Author Topic: Snake Plissken's psp, ps3, and ps4 development  (Read 39536 times)

Offline Snake Plissken

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Snake Plissken's psp, ps3, and ps4 development
« on: May 02, 2017, 08:28:10 AM »
The quake engine has been ported to the psp

The quake 2 engine has also been released for the psp system.
I'm pretty sure this video demonstrates it:

I have both package install files downloaded and installed within all three psp inviroments I have.

These engine's were released in a nature of porting the source code to a open development read/Wright psp platform meaning the ability to run unsigned code and this ability can be obtained by haveing a cfw, devkit, or open homebrew loader enabled psp.

I have 2 psp models with these abilitys within them  and any of us can play these homebrew ported software engine's quake 1 and 2  by loading there executables in ppsspp for windows.

A homebrew game named KuroK was released for the psp, developed on the quake 1 platform. This Kurok homebrew game ettempts to copy the turok dinosaur hunter video game.

It's of a intrest to me to develop with both turok assets and kurok assets, a kurokish game on the quake 2 engine for psp, supscseeding kurok quake 1 in that it will be the same experince, but made 2.0 where possible do to the change of engine from one to a more capable quake 2.

When I update this post I will go on about ps3 production and ps4 hombrew and how a psp homebrew can be converted to run on a ps3, essentially allowing us to develop for ps3 useing psp tools, further more I'll go on about how a homebrew can then be converted from ps3, to work on ps4, potentially even retail nativly, thus accomplishing a turokish game for both psp, ps3, and ps4, and perhaps even for all to enjoy.

When I update this post I'll also go on about a diffrent video game development platform known as udk, and it's relation with ps3 and ps4 apps, games, and homebrew production, potentially on retail ofw systems
« Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 09:26:29 AM by Snake Plissken »


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