Author Topic: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?  (Read 85564 times)

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Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« on: January 23, 2017, 09:18:01 PM »
This was posted on Turok Forums Facebook today :) I think that's important to me for creators to listen to true fans! I would definitely support Nightdive in making a new entry in Turok. Looking at the System Shock game they got going I could definitely get behind the idea of making an all new game. Not because I'm involved with NDS to a degree but look at System Shock demo and that was just a very early undecided stage. This is a much better company to do it than some of these other ones these days. I do not want Turok Battlefield Gears of War. I want Turok!

I know him so this is posted by a legit member of Nightdive(CEO). It was posted in Turok Forums so let's try to keep it within there only for now, at least for the privacy of this post. He knows he isn't making a huge announcement posting there he is just speaking with us. Thanks. Blocked his name for privacy.

My comment before this was saying how a new Turok should be like Turok 1 and Turok 2. Mostly jungles exploration bring back the catacombs, treetop village, lair of the blind ones, and Death Marshes many places similar to the levels of Turok and 2. Bring the Cerebral Bore back and all enemies/weapons from T1 and T2 mixed up! Also, bring back the magic and magic powers all the colors!

I could say so much for a new game though.

What would we like to see in a new Turok game in Nightdive??
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 10:50:44 PM by Duke64 »
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Offline Rok

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Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2017, 02:33:54 AM »
Great goals :) man I would like to see like Death Marshes, Catacombs, and big caves to explre. Turok 08 didn't do bad at all with there jungles. Just the level of exploration was very limited. Make those levels huge! Explore for life forces and health pick ups again.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 02:35:24 AM by Rok »
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Offline Snake Plissken

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Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2017, 09:22:51 AM »
Quickly you guys lol. Who built the cyborgs. What entity or who.

Offline Snake Plissken

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Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2017, 09:33:22 AM »
Sorry lol. No rush. Let me know this! Much luv

The campaigner was known by the name "the hallow one" why was this? When I build cyborgs and reference to one of them as the hallow one it's becuse .A: I constructed it to be intimidating where it may seem able to do more then what it can. Or B it's been proven faulty and now is forever disabled in doom to doing only a fraction of what it was constructed to do.    ( the cyborg campaigner part of the cyborg army. Who built them? Why did they call them the hallow one again?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 09:34:36 AM by Snake Plissken »

Offline Deathsphere

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Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2017, 09:59:38 AM »
Bring back Dimetrodon. New enhanced Dimetrodon xD Oh and definitely keep in game fighting lol. But even Turok 2008 had some of that I think.

Offline Snake Plissken

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Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2017, 10:14:01 AM »
This was posted on Turok Forums Facebook today :) I think that's important to me for creators to listen to true fans! I would definitely support Nightdive in making a new entry in Turok. Looking at the System Shock game they got going I could definitely get behind the idea of making an all new game. Not because I'm involved with NDS to a degree but look at System Shock demo and that was just a very early undecided stage. This is a much better company to do it than some of these other ones these days. I do not want Turok Battlefield Gears of War. I want Turok!

I know him so this is posted by a legit member of Nightdive(CEO). It was posted in Turok Forums so let's try to keep it within there only for now, at least for the privacy of this post. He knows he isn't making a huge announcement posting there he is just speaking with us. Thanks. Blocked his name for privacy.

My comment before this was saying how a new Turok should be like Turok 1 and Turok 2. Mostly jungles exploration bring back the catacombs, treetop village, lair of the blind ones, and Death Marshes many places similar to the levels of Turok and 2. Bring the Cerebral Bore back and all enemies/weapons from T1 and T2 mixed up! Also, bring back the magic and magic powers all the colors!

I could say so much for a new game though.

What would we like to see in a new Turok game in Nightdive??

What was the original prepose of the ceptor. Why was it first made? The cronocepter was also able to be used for and needed to kill the campaigner right?, well what happened to the ceptor after all was said and done.? I didn't see Turok running out of that blowing up tunnel' after killing the campaigner, with it in hand at the end, was the ceptor destroyed in the  exsploion? How was it destroyed in the first place, what was the force that destroyed it in the first place and spread these parts throughout the wasteland in the first place and why?  How strong was the thing or event that's destroyed the ceptor in the first place and I here it did it out of best intrest for all that is living. Or was it safety for the realms.  How strong would you say the power of the dieing campaigner cyborg, the hallow ones destruction, in whatever that facility That was destroyed and that the cyborg and campaigner areana was on top of, do you think be strong enough to match the power that destroyed he ceptor into parts?

Who built the cyborgs in the first place, they built them to do what they where out to do, including the hallow one also known as the campaigner. There constructs were destroyed but the creators. Who where they?

Perhaps Turoks new episode starts off right after the game ends, Turok in water looking up at the destruction, just to turn around and potentially go about finishing unfinished business , dependent and based on the answers of a few of my questions.


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Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2017, 02:56:22 PM »
I would like to see a closure to the cliffhanger from turok3. I dont really know much of the new turok comic to comment.

BTW, the MotherGod, a villianess from the valiant comics universe, brought cyborgs and technology into the lost land. Its pretty much all in the comics.

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Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2017, 06:52:50 PM »
I'll echo other people and say that I'd love either an Evolution sequel or a continuation of Turok 3. Before Far Cry Primal was announced, I'd had an idea for a similar game based on the original comics for all the purists out there, but now it'd probably be seen as too copy-cat-ish.

Maybe Turok Evolution 2 but only if they get the entire previous acclaim team + me on board.

What, you're going to leave me out of this? :P

What was the original prepose of the ceptor. Why was it first made? The cronocepter was also able to be used for and needed to kill the campaigner right?, well what happened to the ceptor after all was said and done.? I didn't see Turok running out of that blowing up tunnel' after killing the campaigner, with it in hand at the end, was the ceptor destroyed in the  exsploion? How was it destroyed in the first place, what was the force that destroyed it in the first place and spread these parts throughout the wasteland in the first place and why?  How strong was the thing or event that's destroyed the ceptor in the first place and I here it did it out of best intrest for all that is living. Or was it safety for the realms.  How strong would you say the power of the dieing campaigner cyborg, the hallow ones destruction, in whatever that facility That was destroyed and that the cyborg and campaigner areana was on top of, do you think be strong enough to match the power that destroyed he ceptor into parts?

Who built the cyborgs in the first place, they built them to do what they where out to do, including the hallow one also known as the campaigner. There constructs were destroyed but the creators. Who where they?

Perhaps Turoks new episode starts off right after the game ends, Turok in water looking up at the destruction, just to turn around and potentially go about finishing unfinished business , dependent and based on the answers of a few of my questions.

A few of your questions were answered in the games' instruction manuals/strategy guides/old websites.

As you said, the Chronoscepter was originally "shattered thousands of years ago" because an unknown force wanted to keep it from "falling into evil hands." No words on how it was shattered or who did it. After the defeat of the Campaigner, Turok threw the Chronosceptor into a volcano, which apparently worked.

The Cyborg enemies were presumably made by the Campaigner himself. There is a brief mention in the Rage Wars strategy guide that says it was a battle with Tal'Set that forced the Campaigner to have his body rebuilt as a cyborg in the first place, but there's no word on who it was that rebuilt him.

And there's no known reason why the Campaigner is known as The Hollow One, other than it being a play against the Fireseed family's titles (Joshua as The Coyote Knight, Tal'Set as The Valiant One, etc.), though you could make up any number of reasons for it if you wanted.

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Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2017, 08:07:08 AM »
I'd like to know what became of the Mother boss from T2, seeming I saw "Mother" mentioned in here and was reminded. She never died and I'm sure something that tough wouldn't eventually die from losing some tentacle like fingers?

Definitely a Turok like the first two. I did enjoy T3, but some things seemed a bit rushed to me. I wished that could've been done a bit better, though I still enjoyed the Lost Land and the waterfalls, along with seeing a lot more types of Fireborn.

As much as I hated the underwater mazes in The Lair of The Blind Ones and got confused while looking for a key, I still liked the area. Especially the gemstone key rooms and the music is still my favourite. I'm going to listen to that track after posting this.

I'd like to see a return to some of the old places. Death Marshes was another place I liked, because it was like a medieval village and those Juggernaut's swords were the coolest weapons. Not fun to fight them, though! xD

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Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2017, 10:43:58 PM »
I would like to see a closure to the cliffhanger from turok3. I dont really know much of the new turok comic to comment.

BTW, the MotherGod, a villianess from the valiant comics universe, brought cyborgs and technology into the lost land. Its pretty much all in the comics.

What they need to do is remake Turok 3, make Danielle the only playable character, give her a kick ass arsenal and stick with the "first female to take on the role of Turok" plot.

The concept for the levels is already there, only this time build them akin to the Turok 2 formula; large, explorable areas with objectives in between and change some things here and there.

Not only that, but they could introduce new variants of already existing enemies, like Oblivion-possessed Dinosoid troops, remnants of the Primagen's army, the return of the demon spawn from Turok 1.

Hell, they could even make the Deadkin ally itself with Oblivion for the first level as well as introduce some of the enemies that were cut from Turok 2 and DH.


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