Author Topic: What are your thoughts on the Villians?  (Read 23044 times)

Offline Komenja

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What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« on: September 03, 2015, 02:39:59 AM »
Something I've never seen discussed very much when it comes to the Turok games are the main antagonists. While the Turok games have never been too heavy on story, I feel most of the bad guys are pretty memorable for various reasons. I'd love to hear what you guys think of the baddies, who your favorite is, etc. Hell, feel free to discuss the villians from the comics or even the animated movie if you want to!

BTW, spoilers.

Here's my thoughts:

Campaigner - While most people think ol' Campy is a bit of a let down after fighting a cyborg T-Rex, I think it was very fitting for the climatic showdown to have Turok face off with one of the coolest villians from the Valiant comics. From a design standpoint, he's pretty much a Terminator version of Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat, and the way his fake skin breaks apart the more you damage him is an amazing effect for a game in 1997.

Not to mention the guy has an awesome plan to take over Lost Land:
Step 1: Get dinosaurs
Step 2: Graft laser guns, robotic limbs and armor plating onto them

And it would've worked too, if it wasn't for that meddling Tal'set and his Chronoscepter!

Primagen - Holy balls, Primagen. He looks scary, he's a master manipulator, he takes metric tons of firepower to kill, and he's essentially the creator of the Lost Land. Out of all the Turok villians, I think Primagen is probably one of the best written. The reason why? On top of simply being badass, Primagen is actually kind of sympathetic.

By sheer accident he creates Lost Land, and his Lightship is trapped within it. Unfortunately, the Lightship is so powerful that any attempt to leave would utterly destroy Lost Land (and our universe). To prevent this from happening, the Energy Totems were erected. After Tal'set accidentally wakes up Primagen by tossing the Chronoscepter in a volcano, the big purple dude immediately notices what a dump Lost Land is, and decides he wants to go home.

That's it, he just wants to leave. Sure, he's completely indifferent to the fact that hauling ass in the Lightship will kill billions of people (and this certainly qualifies him as a Grade A douchebag), not to mention simply getting the damn ship started will require some major suffering on behalf of the inhabitants (getting the Dinosoids to invade Adia, poisoning the River of Souls with excess waste from the Lightship), but his motivation isn't really born of malice or evil. His method of reaching that goal, however, makes kicking his ass easily justifiable. Needs of the many out-weigh the needs of the few, as they say.

Oblivion - Despite having incredible build-up during the Flesh Eater segments and end credits in Turok 2, I found Oblivion to be the most forgettable Big Bad of the N64 games. Not saying he's awful, just that he didn't leave as great an impression as Campaigner and Primagen before him. He's a Lovecraftian, eldritch abomination that wants to consume and destroy everything. And that's... kind of it. I really don't have much to say on the guy.

Tobias Bruckner and Tyrannus - Okay, on paper, a knock-off of George Armstrong Custer with a cyborg arm, riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex loaded with heavily-artillery straight out of Dino Riders, is probably one of the single coolest things a character like Turok could ever fight. Unfortunately, I feel Bruckner is the single worst villian in the whole series. We hardly learn anything about him, he's barely present in the entire game (kills a guy in the intro cutscene, mentioned by Sleg troops once, shows up at final fight), and his boss fight is stupid easy. You could argue that other Turok bosses are guilty of this too, but I feel it hurts Turok: Evolution, with it's focus on being more cinematic than previous titles with loads of cutscenes, "stealth" sections, and a more detailed (yet fractured) narrative.

Tyrannus is mostly in the same boat as Bruckner, although I can't really accuse him of being a bad villian, purely because he was intended to be the main antagonist of a sequel that was sadly never made. He had some decent build-up, and I was totally excited at the prospect of kicking his ass while watching the final cutscene in Evolution.

Roland Kane - For all the faults Turok 2008 had, I felt it's main bad guy was actually pretty solid. He had a more personal connection to this game's Turok than any of the other villians did with their's. He's Joseph's mentor, responsible for making our hero the badass he is, and, ultimately, his own death as a direct result. We only encounter Kane near the end of the game, but the flashbacks scattered throughout do a good job of establishing the relationship between him and Joseph. And while the fight with Kane is just a series of quick-time events, at least it's a cool-looking series of quick time events.
"I am Turok, Son of Stone! Turok of the Kiowa-Apache! Turok, the Hunter! I won't forget these things, nor will I forget how to use my weapons: my bow... my brain... my knife! However, I'm no fool. I'll keep the gun, too."
- Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #0, 1995

Offline Adon

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Re: What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2015, 11:55:29 AM »
I think the bad guys in Turok 1 and Turok 2 are the best though. But Turok Evolution has some nice ones to. I think the variety in Turok 2 was the most unique. And the Primagen yeah he is probably the best back story as he just wants to leave this hell hole and if he does it will destroy everything. That's a tough situation and interesting story for a bad guy plus he looks really cool :P Now the campaigner he will always be the bad ass though. But a lot of the non boss enemies are really cool to, of course the raptor is the most notable but there are so many varieties. This is another thing that makes Turok so special and different.

Offline Rok

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Re: What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2015, 03:22:12 PM »
Nice post there and opinion of them to. I think the Campaigner and the T Rex boss are the best bosses in Turok. But one thing is true it had to be hard to try and make a bigger and stronger boss then the T rex. But I think they pulled it off nicely.

Also, I like Bruckner to. But details on him were cut short. Its like a movie that doesn't show the baddie untill late in the film xD.

 And Turok 08 with Kaine, though he is a bad ass he has to be the lamest of them all. I mean he was just a regular man. The trex in Turok 1 would laser his head off in a few minutes hehe.

Adon you are right all of the other enemies and creatures really made Turok superb. The creatures in Evolution are spectacular. Now this leads me to my one problem of Turok 08 the bad guys are like wolfenstein soldiers or something? I miss the magic in Turok not warfare.
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Offline Jay Doomed

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Re: What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2015, 12:57:21 AM »
The Campaigner and Primagen are the coolest villians imo. The Campaigner is pretty original and he isn't to over sized but he was tough as they come! But the Trex in Turok 1 is very notable to I agree.
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Offline Duke64

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Re: What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2015, 03:34:00 PM »
In 08 Kane was the villain alright but he never stood a chance against Turok. When given the chance Turok destroyed him quite quickly hehe. The boss right after however was pretty awesome in Mama Scarface.

I think this guy is playing on easy hehe either that or he is pretty good at it.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 03:36:04 PM by Duke64 »
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Offline Jay Doomed

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Re: What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2015, 12:01:42 PM »
I wish Turok fed Kaine to mama scarface and that was the end rather then him killing the rex hehe
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Offline Adon

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Re: What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2015, 02:54:54 PM »
I wish Turok fed Kaine to mama scarface and that was the end rather then him killing the rex hehe
Now that is something I would like to see lol CHOMP CHOMP

Mama scarface is most likely the best villain in the game. Kane looks like something out of the new Deus Ex games.
Heheh funny and good comparison and I agree to she is surely the best in this game every time you see this gigantic Rex you get scared :) at least I do ROARRR

Offline Komenja

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Re: What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2015, 01:04:47 AM »
I wish Turok fed Kaine to mama scarface and that was the end rather then him killing the rex hehe
Now that is something I would like to see lol CHOMP CHOMP

I'm imagining Turok shove a grenade into Kane's mouth, then chuck him into Mama Scarface's mouth. Explosive dog treats!

I'm also glad you guys brought up Mama Scarface, can't believe I forgot about her in the first post. She's a very sympathetic villain, more so than Primagen. Hell, she isn't even a villain, she's just an animal doing what animals do, then Turok barges into her nest looking for a radio, kills her babies and slices her eye up. Now she just wants revenge. She gets bonus points for her second fight being pretty much the best boss fight in that game.
"I am Turok, Son of Stone! Turok of the Kiowa-Apache! Turok, the Hunter! I won't forget these things, nor will I forget how to use my weapons: my bow... my brain... my knife! However, I'm no fool. I'll keep the gun, too."
- Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #0, 1995

Offline Duke64

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Re: What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2015, 12:13:55 AM »
I'm imagining Turok shove a grenade into Kane's mouth, then chuck him into Mama Scarface's mouth. Explosive dog treats!

Lol that I can imagine xD Mama Scarface would still be walking after it to, making Kaine feel unimportant again :P
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Offline Rok

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Re: What are your thoughts on the Villians?
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2015, 03:08:20 PM »
We need some Mama Scarface memes lol
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