Legacy of the Fireseeds
Standalone Weapons/Enemies
by Raffine52[/col
...Legacy of the Fireseeds
Standalone Weapons/Enemies
by Raffine52[/col
Welcome to the Turok forums, a place for all Turok fans from the people who played a long time ago to the people who still play it daily. We wan't to encourage general discussion like the comics and stuff like that to. We also would like to welcome anyone who hasn't played and could be interested in doing so. If you like classic FPS shooters you are almost bound to get some enjoyment out of this franchise. Each game offers different aspects of the genre while staying true to its own origins.
Turok first released in the 1950's as a comic book called Turok: Son of Stone later around 1992 a more updated comic came named Turok Dinosaur Hunter which is the start of the gaming series for Turok in 1997 on the Nintendo 64 as Turok Dinosaur Hunter. It surely contributed to the FPS genre. It included brand new features and one of the best atmospheres of its time, which led to high scoring reviews. Then there was Turok 2 one year later, followed by Turok Rage Wars, Turok 3, Turok Evolution, and Turok (08). Each game also got there own gameboy sidescroller version except the latest which got a mobile version. Some new comics are still being made today with Turok. This forum is an attempt at adding some life into the franchise, while there are still many active players in the Turok 2 multiplayer community most of the community is spread about. Not to mention the new game that was in development was cancelled as the team responsible for making it were laid off. We want more Turok the way it should be and I personally think that the series doesn't get the respect it deserves! Hopefully we can get members to join and support Turok for the full potential. May 01, 2024, 01:44:30 AM by RozeDuke
Views: 16862 | Comments: 1 what was your first job Mine was being a part of Duke Nukem Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition that came out 10 years ago 11 now, The way I got to become a playtester cause I was basically hitting the forums showing the problems and such wit... Pages: 1 [2]
Re: Raffine52's Turok 3 Original/EX Mods by DJustice
[September 07, 2024, 08:05:27 AM] Re: Raffine52's Turok 3 Original/EX Mods by Raffine52 [August 18, 2024, 02:57:23 AM] Re: Raffine52's Turok 3 Original/EX Mods by DJustice [July 28, 2024, 02:41:35 AM] Re: Turok: Legend of the Lost Lands by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V1.6 UPDATED by Raffine52 [July 20, 2024, 04:25:32 AM] Re: Display problems by Noseos [July 19, 2024, 09:58:11 AM]