Turok Sanctum Post and Download go here:
https://turoksanctum.com/turok-lives-again/Turok lives again and this time takes on the dark side. This is a mini beta v0.1 mod that I will update in the future. It features a Tommy gun and a Doombuilder version of Blood One Unit Whole Bloods level 1 "Cradle To Grave". For those who don't know. In the game "Blood One Unit Whole Blood" the main character Caleb says "I live Again" When you start in level 1, and I've made it so when you pick up the Tommy it says that. This mod was inspired by the game Blood. One of my all time favorite games. And with Kaiser possibly working on Blood ex I'm more hyped. So what we have here is a quick action packed mod with just minor things for now.
This mod features a Tommy gun and a level from Blood that was remade in Doom (no room over room differences)
Updates coming soon:
I will definitely be updating this mod with more things and of course polishes to existing, I'm aware several things are not perfect. I may want to add some WWII style levels and some Chicago style mafia levels (if possible) to cope with the Tommy Gun more. But its mostly headed in a Blood direction. Keep in mind I've only worked on this a few hours spread out on about 4 days. Enjoy for now.
Behemoth and I test playing it in raptor fest.
Update V1
-1 new single player map. Just press start game as if you are starting the game normally. Collect feathers to unlock some doors and progress other ways also. (Nothing will tell you what feather goes to what but it shouldn't be hard. There is only 3 doors that unlock by feathers. Turn off death cinematics. If particles flicker use "r-useocclusionquery 0" before starting the map.
-Custom intro
-Custom ending Cinematic upon beating the level
-Custom Credits
-2 new MP maps
-Old school Blood mp map "Bodies"
-MP version of the new SP map "B464dm"
-Another new map: "Pennywise" cut for now-New ammo balances to the Tommygun - so we can't spam the weapon on the sp map.
-Primagen added - resourced Primagen thanks to Behemoth Programmer
-Queen Boss Normal Enemy - Thanks again Behemoth Programmer

Too much to type but hey it went from v0.1 to v1 for now enjoy. It was really fun making.
Turok Sanctum Post and V1 Download go here: