Author Topic: Duke Nukem  (Read 116337 times)

Offline Duke64

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Duke Nukem
« on: August 28, 2016, 12:03:20 AM »
Duke Nukem is a bad ass 90's FPS hero. I'm sure most of us already know Duke and I been meaning to make a thread for this one hehe. I have made like 20 quality maps for Duke 3D xD We could use this Duke thread for anything Duke related if you want feel free to share Duke stuff :)

But Duke is awesome hehe

But I finally decided to make this thread because of this news here. There is a count down for Duke Nukem right now on

It was already leaked what it is awhile back if you remember a revamped Duke 3D with a new episode, new weapons for the episode, and new one liners from Jon. But who is to say that they won't release other news on this day??
« Last Edit: August 28, 2016, 12:06:23 AM by Duke64 »
Dinosaur Hunter
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Re: Duke Nukem
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2016, 10:45:03 AM »
Well i'm getting it. I'm glad Duke is not with 3dr anymore especially since the owners are new there. Tell me what 3dr has done for Duke recently that's good? xD Nothing and no game should take nearly 20 years to make unless its the size of reality. Only reason there was a dnf is because of 2k... 3DR is fail when it comes to Duke after there original success.

Now I'm not saying gearhax or 2k is some great thing I would rather devolver digital/flying wild hog make it. But at the same time i'm really happy 3dr doesn't own Duke anymore they don't deserve it.

Some "leaked" photos of what's coming.. I'm hoping that they reveal the release date for this and reveal a hint at a new Duke all together. Since they already stated they would be looking for an outside developer to help with a new game I like the thought of someone coming in to help with Duke instead of them taking it head on. I'm also hoping that the servers and how we play Duke 3d mp changes because p2p and no dedicated servers sucks. If they can do what everyone else was to lazy to do they get my respect but I will have to see what it is when it releases hehe.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 06:08:43 PM by Duke64 »
Dinosaur Hunter
"Its time to make tracks"
"You are tiny grasshopper"
"Suck it down"
"Boo, No soup for you"
"I live again"

Offline Smoke39

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Re: Duke Nukem
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2016, 05:42:29 PM »
Now I'm not saying gearhax or 2k is some great thing I would rather devolver digital/flying wild hog make it. But at the same time i'm really happy 3dr doesn't own Duke anymore they don't deserve it.

3DR losing Duke Nukem is only a good thing if someone better gets the rights.  Gearbox kinda sucks, so I'm not really sure what you're cheering about.  As far as I'm concerned it's a wash.

I'd rather check out the EDuke32 Addon Compilation with my unadulterated GRPs than support Gearbox and their meme-spouting bullshit.

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Re: Duke Nukem
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2016, 10:56:12 PM »
That's my opinion though how many times has Duke went to court because of 3D Realms breaching contracts and even attempting to sue Gearbox over DNF. How many times were the indecisive about what to do with DNF. Made no sense to me, the original guys sold 3D Realms to a new company they didn't make Duke man. Sure the label did but not the actual ppl. I like them better as Interceptor tbh and still do like them. And I like DNF lol and Dnf was made by 3dr in reality not gearbox. It is what it is with me the tide changed, I like Duke enough to still hope for something to come of it. At least they said something and didn't just let it die. I'm pretty sure this is there way of testing the water on how Duke is in the gaming media. Which is flourished nearly. Respect them or not they own Duke and have never actually made a Duke game this is going to be there first if you think about it. I'm not saying my expectations are sky rocketing though haha.

One of my mods is in that eduke32 add on compilation though I highly suggest the compilation and Night Fright is a good guy that thing has great mods in it. I use/play eduke pretty much everyday because of mapster though. Using it now actually.  Besides they crushed the drama with eduke Tx is now working along with. I believe he has helped with something on this game coming up. I'm pretty sure they needed him.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 11:32:45 PM by Duke64 »
Dinosaur Hunter
"Its time to make tracks"
"You are tiny grasshopper"
"Suck it down"
"Boo, No soup for you"
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Offline Rok

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Re: Duke Nukem
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2016, 01:08:02 AM »
Duke 3d reloaded... honestly that thing is like a myth and its way beyond the grave for years now. I agree with what Duke said before..there quality is mediocre really Rott 13 is not very good its an arcade fun game but its low quality so is bombshell in fact Dnf has more true quality than both :o. How many hours you guys got docked on thise two games huh? Still playing rott 13? How about Bombshell? Both games were meant to be Duke. If it was Duke do you think the ratings would all of a sudden be high? I bet Duke has more playtime on both rott and bombshell. I will get this game but I don't really get wrapped up in where the games rights go. As long as someone makes it. In the end its either a good game or bad game everything between isnt for me.

Anyways, damn that hollywood match was a close one there gg. You would be fooling yourself if you said Dnf was bad. You have like 2k hours on the game i know. If he has that play time on it im sure he isnt lying that he like dnf.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 01:32:14 AM by Rok »
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Offline Jay Doomed

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Re: Duke Nukem
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2016, 10:43:53 AM »
We still debating over this stuff? Hahah well I don't know about arguing over it guys.

Lee Jackson is making remix music are you kidding his Duke 3D tracks are infamous and now we are getting remixes?!

Gearbox is working with eduke team and even they are excited I believe you are right Duke, Tx worked on something for this remake.

There is a new episode in Duke 3D!

Possibility that Level Lord worked on the levels...

And a possibility for news on an all new Duke game?!

What could be wrong? Do you need George Broussard to step back into the picture to feel better? Pretty sure he's moved on after selling 3DR. He is working on other games in a new company I believe. Imo Gearbox is making all the right moves atm.

Also, Duke the levels probably don't look up to par with how Duke 3D mapping has evolved into very detailed stuff now. While they are probably reaching for the classic less detailed types of map to go along with the other episodes :) I think since Duke mapping has evolved they should be shooting for the skies with how maps can be made now. But looks like they might be keeping it less detailed type.

P.S Duke finally you made the Duke thread mf heheh.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 10:47:43 AM by Jay Doomed »
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Offline Rok

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Re: Duke Nukem
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2016, 12:53:31 PM »
So did anybody else notice on the site there are two separate options? One option is for Duke 3D world tour. The other option is for pre ordering. Why would there be two options unless one is for an all new Duke?
Raptor Rok is metal.

Offline Jay Doomed

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Re: Duke Nukem
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2016, 03:33:49 PM »
This game was made by 3dr and polished by gearbox. Not there fault you can't really polish the core of a game that was nearly finished. If Duke likes dnf who cares. Its actually not that bad.

Name some good fps games that came out starting in 2008... I will wait. Sad that the media just crushed dnf because of the hype it brought to many expectations killed dnf it released on schedule it would of been rated high. But who is to blame for releasing it so late? gearbox or 3dr? Its 100% 3dr's fault why it took from 1996-2011 to release. Check the facts again. Go read the contract actually. Gearbox signed saying they would release 3dr's product (DNF)! and also release there other project "Duke Nukem Begins" If they Gearbox can have Duke's IP. Duke Nukem begins probably won't happen under contract because once again 3dr decided to try and rape Duke again for what its worth. Now they have no binding to Duke Nukem. Its said and done.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 04:03:43 PM by Jay Doomed »
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Offline Jay Doomed

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Re: Duke Nukem
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2016, 04:00:17 PM »
Its pretty sad when someone tries to tell somebody else a game is that bad when the said person has played plenty of time on it. Obviously he likes the game what does that have to do with you. If you don't like it well then cool.

I'm also buying this new Duke game in fact i think I might just pre order a few asap.

Also, once again...Duke 3 D reloaded is literally ROTT 13 that's what that game is. So unless you really love it I wouldn't claim that reloaded was going to be some god project. It would of been a fun ftp fast paced arcade like tf2 lol.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 04:07:21 PM by Jay Doomed »
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Offline Duke64

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Re: Duke Nukem
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2016, 05:16:08 PM »
I know kinda sticking up for me with the game I like. But I won't lie I know DNF is certainly not the best game. But I actually still enjoy it now. Dinomite is not in the minority saying DNF is a bad game. A lot of others thought so too. Just so happens I don't agree which actually puts me in the minority hehe. But I have sentimental connections with DNF for a few reasons, I will list them some time. I have this much time played because of mp games, though I have beaten the sp over 10 times lol. But the mp in DNF is very good and still populated un like Rott 13. That game is pretty much silence on mp except on saturday ;) While DNF has full lobbies daily.

Anyways, these arguments are way passed my time I've had them for years and have been following Duke daily for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng time no exaggeration. Its passed the point for me to to debate it anymore my conclusion is I will ride for Dukey whereever the hell he goes just as Turok. I no longer listen when someone calls the game bad.. How many times you think I heard it? I would probably guess about a million times. So I can't sit here and debate something I have debated like 5 years ago anymore dudes. Its not that serious xD Its like a lightning strike when you first see one as a kid its like whooaa what was that but by the time you're 20 its like ummm yeah what a storm out there.

Playing my Painkiller map on War of Attrition mod. What a bad ass mod though highly suggest it. It can be found here:

« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 05:35:00 PM by Duke64 »
Dinosaur Hunter
"Its time to make tracks"
"You are tiny grasshopper"
"Suck it down"
"Boo, No soup for you"
"I live again"


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