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Messages - Snake Plissken

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( please stand by as I fill this out throughout the day with the known knowledge of modding on the this version of the kex platform and turok 2 )

///NOTE: none-published work in progress, all of this is subjected to, and chances are will change

section = topic

section I : tools
part I : commands
part II  : external utilities
part III : editor
section II assets creation, development, pipeline
part I textures
part i: slide-show single animation sets with textanimset

part II models import - export
part i: import a singular state 3d asset or staticmesh
part ii: import a animiated 3d model
part ii: export a singular state 3d asset or staticmesh

part III: genral usage and development
part i: .objs unquly formatted for kex animaiting, obj kex tags, position of wavefront tags for kex importing.

part ii:

part III

section III: defs
part I: each Def explained within context of turok 2 EX structured model
section IV: scripts
part I angelscript in kex / angelscript with kex
part II perposes of each script within turok 2 EX structured model.
part III

section V: particles
part I particle files explained:
   particle files are a type of definition and decleration of, and for, a type of object that would admit a sound, or asset, and/or to trigger a event, in game. the combination of this ability can allow for the creation of new sparks, or splashing water, the light dripping from a flare after shot, ect. You can consider a .particle file, each one, as the main workings, or engine, or inner workings, or whats responsible for a givin particle you may see in game as each one is repsersented by its own .particle file to define part of its exsistance, how it will act, how fast, how slow, what it will do when its finished doing it, ect. all the particles you may see in game have a .particle file responsible for it. you can create your own .particle file and in that your own new particle in game, and you can then, if you wish to do so, call on it to happen from within a script, so for exsample if you have added a new weapon, and wish to have it shoot a new type of bullet, or maby smoke with the bullet, then you would of had made a new bullet.partcle and/or a custom smoke.particle of some sort, and would want to add it to a weapons script you may of newly included for the new weapon. and you would add your smoke or bullet .particle to occure within EndFire or on BeginFire, but that's a mixture of 4 different storys and to keep it short : particle files are used to make and customize your particle and they can be called on by name by different methods depending on the nature of witch you wish to call it on.  particle files are primarly called on within each other, and orignaly within a script ( i.e: scripts/ .txt or newly included script)

part II
part ...
                eventID = 28 //28 //"SEvent_ObjectGenerateAnimatedInstance_snaketest"
                params = { 201.000000 1.500000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 }

onImpact phases if the engine had refrenced animtype = and if met allows for onImpact to be triggered. its used to call on other .particles or declared events by ID. in this case we would spawn a raptoid....

[10]= i don't recall at the moment, but these represent parts of something, or ways of interacting with parts of something, and are of importants. more soon....
eventID= 28 can call on animations, scripts, some things from inside common.txt. what is a defined event and how to define a new one, comeing soon...
/// eventid = 28. the 28 stands for the ACTION_EVENT_SPAWN in actions.txt and actionobjects.txt
params = { 201.000000 ... well formatted parameter system, where the number 201.00000 represents what actor to spawn, and in this case, what bad guy, and in this case actorid 201: a raptoid

more coming soon...
spellcheck coming soon...
///NOTE: none-published work in progress

Brutal Turok 2: link is in the vid description

I found dukes map I think, I'm almost positive it's his as I see some trademarks and well, his name... I think... unless I'm wrongs... but yeah there's a level  with the name carvan in it and I'll try to get the full name when I'm back, and post the command to get to it in game.

Turok 2 Seeds of Evil / Re: Turok 2 EX Turok 2 remaster 2017
« on: March 17, 2017, 07:28:59 PM »
Oh off topic, kinda, but seeing how this is post is called Turok 2 ex I figured I would say it here so here I go: I'm porting rage wars to kex 2 and if your good with programming And am familiar with angelscript and your reading this right now I would like to say to you " I could use more hands on dec with the project" lol. If your interested and your reading this and am willing and able please do let me know and I'll share some videos to show you what's been done and what's doing so you know I'm not pulling your chain. Ok and for those not interested or if this post goes unread by the likes,  no worrys at all and thnx tho. Ok back to Turok lol

Turok 2 Seeds of Evil / Re: Turok 2 EX Turok 2 remaster 2017
« on: March 17, 2017, 07:25:37 PM »
I won a multiplayer match, but I don't know how because I always have a hard time on multiplayers with a lack of skill and having people with lag armor because they're not all from my region. Scorpion Missile and Firestorm Cannon spam in closed in places! >:D

I did manage to pick up the Nuke and blast someone with it. It was fun, though extremely laggy. I was getting 1-6 FPS at some points and there were also times when my guns weren't firing anything. Hopefully that gets fixed soon and I might play more tomorrow. Give my PS4 a rest. xD

In Port of Adia, I didn't expect an Endtrail to be there at the first beacon switch. Being able to change the soundtrack between N64 and PC is pretty cool, too. I still prefer the N64 version, but I like the PC Port of Adia theme.

Honestly I am dieing to play I mean how is it lol, fast past oldschool fun at a good refresh rate is all I need, that and dethklok playing the background. I can not wait. Let's getotgether and I'll live stream a few games, I'm not a cheater to btw honest lol, figured I would throw that out there.
 Nothing has filled my head more with thoughts of grandeur more so then playing mp in a Turok 2 release by nightdive . I'm dieing to play.

Turok 2 Seeds of Evil / Re: Turok 2 EX Turok 2 remaster 2017
« on: March 17, 2017, 07:22:29 PM »
Hi Snake,
how are you? That's a n1ce screenshot you got there. Do you have the MP editor that I can get from you?  ;D

Yo AbyssalDragon, great win! was fun playin' with you and sorry if I banged your bad ping, I was banged too.

I may be establishing a private communication network between just he brutal Turok Devs. This is like the 4th time something happened and I'm obligated not to share so in all I have to say for a record, there's a lot of things I can and can not do. Terms pretty much state if I'm aware enough to have assessed it I'm aware enough to have read hundreds of lines of terms of agreements. Jus wanna play my p and q right. Makeing sure I'm zigging and not zaggin.

now somewhere someone went incorrect I must read over a few things again, becuse what I see here is full multiplayer support. I have forwarded a port on a device and have it on stand by, already tested, I can spawn and create, host a game and there's even a ability to automatically reject connecting players if they don't have content that's defined by the sever.

Before I can shed more light I think it's best  that perhaps the developers open there mouths when the time is right.
But I must admit, I see everything here to help me enable my rage wars mod. And there's more control here now it seems en what we currently have with Turok 1 and it's so buggy a lot of things to be taken into account.  I'm going to think of my next step before I say to much only becuse I'm super exsasuted right now and, well I, not fully aware of the outcome of his yet so will see what's doing, here give me a few mins to make a real reply lol, just out and about ATM.

Still cant believe DarkShadowRage harassed you cause you streamed this.

Ikr. Crazy I'm in the right mind to contact someone and figure out how to get a chat log of that one that was crazy he was really peed off and was showing it, but lissin I hope for the best for him, deep down inside where all good people, we just got our own personal stuff we deal with that define what we do, who we are. I hope the best for him I really do

Turok 2 Seeds of Evil / Re: Turok 2 EX Turok 2 remaster 2017
« on: March 17, 2017, 04:05:10 PM »

Edit: update, here you go:

so yeah I mean you know... its good to have full control on the 2nd day of the games release, this way brutal turok 2 will be done right- I mean brutal turok 1 was done right, but it never started and I have this update for it still I need to push out.  I know I have not talked a lot latly but don't worry brutal turok is not dead . the next update will be good, and now with this brutal turok 2 will be insured in brutality. so yeah wish me luck ill work on things 24/7 till I get the updates out.

note that I just wanted to inform you im hard at work on brutal turok so don't forget it. or do. the thing with the editor is it is not supported by the developers yet, they are unable to support bug submissions even at the moment so for all seriousness the editor shouldn't even be considered released yet.

with that being said if theres anyone wanting to help me out with random things from textures creation and modeling or anything feel free to reach out to me and tell me what your good at if you wanna help your on board the team.
( no worrys tho- its been a one man army thus far pretty much and that's why this nextupdate is going to be nice, for brutal turok 1, and so on and so on thanks for your time... )

Turok General Discussion / Re: Ideas For New Turok Game by Nightdive?
« on: January 24, 2017, 10:14:01 AM »
This was posted on Turok Forums Facebook today :) I think that's important to me for creators to listen to true fans! I would definitely support Nightdive in making a new entry in Turok. Looking at the System Shock game they got going I could definitely get behind the idea of making an all new game. Not because I'm involved with NDS to a degree but look at System Shock demo and that was just a very early undecided stage. This is a much better company to do it than some of these other ones these days. I do not want Turok Battlefield Gears of War. I want Turok!

I know him so this is posted by a legit member of Nightdive(CEO). It was posted in Turok Forums so let's try to keep it within there only for now, at least for the privacy of this post. He knows he isn't making a huge announcement posting there he is just speaking with us. Thanks. Blocked his name for privacy.

My comment before this was saying how a new Turok should be like Turok 1 and Turok 2. Mostly jungles exploration bring back the catacombs, treetop village, lair of the blind ones, and Death Marshes many places similar to the levels of Turok and 2. Bring the Cerebral Bore back and all enemies/weapons from T1 and T2 mixed up! Also, bring back the magic and magic powers all the colors!

I could say so much for a new game though.

What would we like to see in a new Turok game in Nightdive??

What was the original prepose of the ceptor. Why was it first made? The cronocepter was also able to be used for and needed to kill the campaigner right?, well what happened to the ceptor after all was said and done.? I didn't see Turok running out of that blowing up tunnel' after killing the campaigner, with it in hand at the end, was the ceptor destroyed in the  exsploion? How was it destroyed in the first place, what was the force that destroyed it in the first place and spread these parts throughout the wasteland in the first place and why?  How strong was the thing or event that's destroyed the ceptor in the first place and I here it did it out of best intrest for all that is living. Or was it safety for the realms.  How strong would you say the power of the dieing campaigner cyborg, the hallow ones destruction, in whatever that facility That was destroyed and that the cyborg and campaigner areana was on top of, do you think be strong enough to match the power that destroyed he ceptor into parts?

Who built the cyborgs in the first place, they built them to do what they where out to do, including the hallow one also known as the campaigner. There constructs were destroyed but the creators. Who where they?

Perhaps Turoks new episode starts off right after the game ends, Turok in water looking up at the destruction, just to turn around and potentially go about finishing unfinished business , dependent and based on the answers of a few of my questions.


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