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Messages - Deathsphere

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Other Games / Re: DOOM
« on: May 19, 2017, 02:48:53 PM »

I don't recognize this level its one of your new ones right?

Have a good day and weeknd everyone.

Cool will it work on GOG version also? I feel like the answer is yes but just wondering. Trying to understand how it all works. Gj mate.

Good luck Snake hope to see this happen. I think it could really benefit your guys mods if people try to get this working.

Turok Sanctum / Re: Turok Sanctum Published
« on: April 25, 2017, 03:02:42 PM »
Looks really damn good man good job. I'm with Rok on this one ehh I don't do much time on steam all my friends are on Doomseeker and in games not on steam so never really went into it much. Plus Doom 64 is not on there so yeah an external place outside of a steam workshop to dl mods is good. Especially when it looks very presentable gj.

Here is a video though :)

You should just release this as beta and build on to it with suggestions.

Turok Rage Wars / Re: Rage Wars
« on: April 06, 2017, 03:02:38 PM »
Well you can definitely count me in too I would definitely buy this game needs a pc port the most out of all the Turok games imo.

I guess it's too soon for people to post about this?

Why is it too soon? Keep up the good work.

Loving it going to release them at the same time?

Turok 2 Seeds of Evil Modding/Mapping / Re: Retexture
« on: April 04, 2017, 03:22:00 PM »
Pretty neat stuff.

Yes Turok needs something like this good job, hope to see it running soon

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