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Messages - Adon

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Yaay! Thanks very much cant wait to fire this thing I am going to do it some time today. Oh I see you meant for the download to be part of the post originally. That's okay I got it now ;D

Adding to my water level ideas*

How about and underwater temple.

While your underwater there can be spots where you have to go up and into maybe caves that you can only enter from underwater sort of like level 1 where you get the pistol in the start secret.

Its kind of making me think of "Night Dive" references since it will be underwater :)

Maybe Islands can be spread out for ammo

I am thinking about an area that has been flooded that didn't use to be flooded it would be ancient and with Turok that can be easy to achieve.

Turok 2 Seeds of Evil / Re: Turok 2 Remaster - our wishlist!
« on: February 18, 2016, 10:23:31 AM »
Good list Vis since you seem to still play Turok 2 every day I hope they listen to you all who are still playing that's most important of a company. To please the people who will be playing daily/hourly for years to come lets hope it goes that way. But hey at the least we will still have the classic one if things get screwy which I don't see happening. I think Night Dive will be good :)

Turok 2 Seeds of Evil / Re: Post T2 videos
« on: February 18, 2016, 10:14:16 AM »
I finished a new speedrun on Turok 2 recently. It's a new world record and Any%. Here is Level 1 - Port of Adia:

Very nice feel free to share them all whenever you add a new one. I think I remember watching your Turok videos awhile ago also nice to see your doing more :)

Very nice of you to make this and seeing Turok Forums written in the game is neat! Would be cool to be able to fire this weapon :)

Info/Help / Re: Happy Birthday Turok Forums
« on: February 12, 2016, 01:21:16 PM »
Shared on the facebook  8)

Turok Dinosaur Hunter Modding/Mapping / Re: Brutal Turok 0.3c
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:52:44 AM »
Forget police brutality lets talk Turok brutality :)
LOL I love that it could be the slogan.

(i will update this post often. it will soon hold all info about brutal TuroK. for now im going to post some pictures, and as soon as i can ill drop a download link of the latest version coming out. thanks)



a download link to the latest update and more info soon....

Will 0.4 release today? Also, I am no modder and wouldn't have time to really learn any of that but will be glad to play this it looks cool. I saw 0.3 version video on dukes youtube a few weeks ago maybe since I can't comment on youtube I wanted to say very nice video Dukey the music I love on this one and it also shows a lot of the features of Brutal Turok. All the videos are good actually all of them show how awesome Turok is I think its that music that stands out to me :) Its very cool this is posted on the forums birthday though thanks for sharing i'm excited to give it a go. Plus maybe we can pitch ideas and feedback after playing. 

Info/Help / Re: Happy Birthday Turok Forums
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:11:22 AM »
Omg I am very glad I checked the forum today because of this wow time flies. Happy birthday to this forum you know what would be really cool is if they released the editor today for Turok EX. How ironic would that be I guess one can only dream :P I hope today is awesome, you know duke I didn't know any Turok fans till I joined here so now I feel like I have a connection to other fans. That weapon is crazy btw lol perfect for doing Turok fireworks (more like firenukes)

Very good Dukey

I still think a city would look really cool in Turok just base it off of some of the Dinosaur Hunter comics that took place in the city :)

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