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Topics - Duke64

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Turok General Discussion / New Turok Game Announced: Turok Origins
« on: December 13, 2024, 10:41:16 PM »
Looks like there will be a new Turok game after all. What's your thoughts on this so far?

General User Mods, Maps, and Content / [Release] Quake 1 Map - Telegraves
« on: October 12, 2021, 11:55:09 PM »

Here is a quick single player level I made. Hope you enjoy some. It's just a first map and I'm not really familiar with Quake mapping. But that was fun to make. Quick map hopefully vanilla sort of like an early level in the campaigns length. Being my first I'm sure there is something I've done wrong somewhere lol. Enjoy.


Turok Sanctum / Now Supporting DOOM 64 EX Wads/Mods
« on: December 08, 2018, 07:31:16 PM »
Turok Sanctum with Kaiser approval is now supporting DOOM64 EX wads! Doom64 EX Mods category added to the top tabs.

Other Games / Skynet and Future Shock Terminator Games
« on: November 16, 2018, 10:19:44 PM »
These games are pretty awesome though.



Title : Mad Monster Mansion
Date Completed : 10-29-18
Filename : DKR-MMM-64.xdelta
Replaces LeveL: Ancient Lake
Author : Sixty Four
Email Address :

Description : Quick solo track in the spirit of Halloween. I wanted to put one of my favorite Halloween levels as a race track into DKR.

Additional Credits : Mosky2000 for creating the music. SubDrag for making the DKR editor.

Play Information *
Race Type: : Standard
Adventure Mode : Yes
Tracks Mode : Yes
Silver Coin Challenge : Yes
New Sound : Yes track name
New Music : Yes - Mosky2000 Created
New Textures : Yes Banjo Textures
Vehicle(s) : Car/Hover/Plane (Plane cpu not working but you can try to explore with it. I have recently solved planes! Soon they will be in tracks.)
Emulator Compatible : Yes
N64 Compatible : Yes

Construction *
Base : Imported Models extracted from Banjo's Backpack.
I also added a road to the model and prepped the model with Blender
Known Bugs :

Important Notes :

Installation : Apply a xdelta patch to the xdelta file and run the rom on your choice of software or N64 console.


Haunted Mansion community cbp map. In spirit of Halloween.

Sixty Four (Duke64)

Temp Download:




Title                   : Dream Blue Forest
Date Completed          : 10-12-18
Filename                : dreamblueforest.XDELTA
Author                  : Sixty Four
Email Address           :
Misc. Author Info       : This was made fairly quick, probably in about 4 days. Its what I have learned in JFG so far.
There's much more to learn about this game. I am releasing this because I am done with this part of testing and its decent enough I think.
I have replaced 2 levels I made them fast and the 2nd part I put the most time into. The levels replaced is the Forest Village and Outset

Description             : Ants are planning a dig site to plant destruction in the caves located in the dream blue forest get to the caves and take out all the ants!

Additional Credits      : SubDrag for making the editor

* Play Information *

Single Player        : Yes
Multiplayer             : No
New Sound               : No
New Music               : No
New Textures            : No

* Construction *

Base                    : From Scratch made in Blender
Build Time              :
Editor(s) used          : JFG Setup Editor
Known Bugs              :

Installation            : Apply a xdelta patch to the xdelta file and run the rom on your choice.


The Goldeneye Vault has been around for many years and it has now closed down (by choice). The site started to shut down about 3 weeks ago and yesterday the site closed for good (The last three weeks have been tough on me). This news was hard to take in at first as I found a community I really fit in with, and then to watch the main place close down. I have followed the GE Vault for many years myself but never got involved in creating hacks till more recently with my DKR stints. It is sad to see it go but I understand the choice to close it, its a lot of work to be doing this kind of site and over time I'm sure it took a toll. With all the submissions and manually posting news and top it off paying for this site. Doing all that alone is uncalled for and too much (especially while you're managing the editor itself too).

SubDrag, thanks for maintaining this place as long as you did. And giving us a place to put our hacks up and I'm sure I speak for everyone with that note. You did a ton of work and I think some people they don't understand how much goes into it once you consider all angles. But I think most if not all do understand. Thanks, again.

Some info here:

With SubDrag over viewing and providing feedback while creating the site, I have created a wiki style site that is ran by certain select qualified members of the community. And we will grow from here! A wiki is never done developing so follow along while we push this site more and more.

New Site:

Carnivorous has taken over the handle for the editor. Can be found here:

Jombo23 made a github for the other N64 tools from the vault here:

Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Mickey Speedway USA, Jet Force Gemini, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Snap, and setup editor editing discord:

All links can be found on the wiki also.

General User Mods, Maps, and Content / Diddy Kong Racing- Ocarina of Time
« on: September 09, 2018, 01:06:12 AM »


Title : Diddy Kong Racing - Ocarina of Time
Date Completed : 9-8-18
Filename : DKR-OOT-64.xdelta
Replaces Level(s): Ancient Lake, Whale Bay, Everfrost Peak, Boulder Canyon
Author : Sixty Four
Email Address :

Description : Four levels from the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. Dodongo's Cavern Boss room, Lon Lon Ranch, Temple of Time (bonus track), and Graveyard (bonus track).
You can play these in tracks mode there located on the first level of each domain no unlocking needed to play. Or you can play on Adventure mode even.
The bonus tracks were very tough to form into races so bare with me.

Additional Credits : Mosky2000 for creating the music. SubDrag for making the DKR editor.

* Play Information *

Race Type: : Standard
Adventure Mode : Yes
Tracks Mode : Yes
Silver Coin Challenge : Yes
New Sound : Yes Some sounds from Zelda OOT and level name sounds recorded by me. (I'll get better at sounds)
New Music : Yes - Mosky2000 Created
New Textures : Yes Zelda OOT textures
Vehicle(s) : Car/Hover/Plane (Plane cpu not working but you can try to explore with it. I have recently solved planes! S soon they will be in tracks.)
Emulator Compatible : Yes
N64 Compatible : Yes

* Construction *

Base : Imported Models extracted from Zelda OOT using Lemmy's plug in.
Editor(s) used : Setup Editor and Blender
Known Bugs :

Important Notes : This is kind of a test hack. To test multiple levels. I learned a lot in this one. Hope you enjoy!

Installation : Apply a xdelta patch to the xdelta file and run the rom on your choice of software or N64 console.


Turok Sanctum / Now Supporting Forsaken Remaster Mods
« on: September 02, 2018, 03:13:22 PM »
I thought it would be a nice idea to host some mods for Forsaken Remaster on the site with Kaiser's consent. So I have added "Forsaken Mods" as an option to click on the top menu bar. It is totally separated from the Turok mods they're not displaying in the featured bars which is reserved for Turok. Feel free to browse for now. Also, I hope to see some more submissions in the future.

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