Hello, im trying to create some more automated features for myself and hopefully to share. Just had a few questions since im a bit new to blender scripting.
The first one is how would i call your addon from my own. I tried calling different things based on what ive seen on the source code but i just cant figure it out.
Is it? from turok_export_model import save
or import turok_object. turok_export
import bpy
from turok_export_model import save
def export_bin_model(filepath):
# Set export options
exportSettings = {
"filepath": filepath,
"use_selection": True,
"global_matrix": None,
"path_mode": "AUTO",
"exportMaterials": False,
"copyTextures": False,
"copyTextureSets": False,
"exportAnim": False,
"animNLATracks": False,
"useModelsDir": True
# Call the TurokEXBlenderTools export_models operator with the export settings
selected_obj = bpy.context.object
# Set the export path and filename
export_path = "C:/Users/raule/Desktop/junk"
export_filename = selected_obj.name + ".bin"
filepath = export_path + export_filename
Another question is that i noticed that there are two functions to import and export map data. But when i run map import on blender 3.4 only the player start object comes through. Likewise if i export a map nothing happens.
I think this would be more idea to use since i can create the sectors in blender and not in the engine, but if thats not the case is ok. I just wanted to ask.
Thank you for such a great tool!