Author Topic: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides  (Read 73576 times)

Offline Rok

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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2017, 12:56:35 AM »
How to make monsters and enemies work and attack is pretty simple I just had no time earlier.  (Starting with the basics I will update this list to get into the more complex things) Added new guide to op.

1.) Go into actors edit mode and cntrl+click the monster.

2.) Right click the selected monster and go to properties.

3.) Go to Spawn Flags 1

Basic Monster spawn flag selections:

Solid: Makes actor solid

Projectile attack 1/Projectile Attack 2: Good for enemies with weapons or any enemy that fires a projectile. Monsters are specific to them though, so if your monster isn't firing any projectiles on projectile attack 1 try to use projectile attack 2. While testing switch between them on different attacks to get the correct 1.

Snap to Floor: Makes the enemy/monster stay on the floor even after death. You want to choose this one.

Cast Shadow: Cast's a shadow for the monster

Use Strong Attacks: Makes enemy use the stronger attacks

Use Weak Attacks: Monster does weak attack

Hit ok and close the properties tab. Save map and now the monster will work.

I did even attach the map here. I thought it would be cool to start trying to use videos also to go with text. This is my first one I thought it was a small task so good for a first video guide.

Thanks! Noobs like me can learn when I look back at it.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 12:57:06 AM by Rok »
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Offline Gazer

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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2017, 01:40:31 AM »
Oh Thank You Duke64 I knew that you were The Man. You spent way too much effort, because the problem was with the editor, on my end. My editor was missing the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons at the bottom of the Actor Properties window. To make a long story short, I contacted NightDive studios and one of the guys there figured it out for me. If you don't click "OK" after you make changes to the spawn flags then they uncheck themselves. What a day figuring that one out.

So A Note: If your on Win7 and your desktop theme uses display modifier to increase all text size, then your important buttons on Turok Kex editor v1.0.3 will be obscured and the actor properties window will not function properly.

Here's the full thread you can read for more info if you need more info, or contact me directly.

I used to make some cool maps for Q3, I still like to play and it's fun mapping for the Turok style and the newer quake3 style stuff. The DOOM 2016 Snapmap is fun too. I am really looking forward to Quake Champions in 2017 and then eventually getting GTKRadiant for DOOM 2016. It will come sometime this year.

So I hope I can dazzle you with my mapping creativity and I love what your doing, looking forward to your next map that you've been mentioning. I bet your working on it now!  ;D
Thanks Again, Gazerbeam
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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2017, 10:23:59 AM »
Wouldn't say to much effort because it solves the hole issue now if people search these things and read now they can get a solution or simply figure out how to do it in general. I for example am not a mapper I need all steps. But I don't have this missing ok button.
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Offline Jay Doomed

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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2017, 12:20:29 PM »
Projectile attack 1/Projectile Attack 2: Good for enemies with weapons or any enemy that fires a projectile. Monsters are specific to them though, so if your monster isn't firing any projectiles on projectile attack 1 try to use projectile attack 2. While testing switch between them on different attacks to get the correct 1.

Oh man I was struggling with these and you're right the projectile attacks are specific to enemies they don't always work with one enemy so you have to try between them both.

Yes make more videos! Thanks
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Offline Duke64

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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2017, 05:40:00 PM »

So A Note: If your on Win7 and your desktop theme uses display modifier to increase all text size, then your important buttons on Turok Kex editor v1.0.3 will be obscured and the actor properties window will not function properly.

I never seen the missing ok button good to know dude.

Wouldn't say to much effort because it solves the hole issue now if people search these things and read now they can get a solution or simply figure out how to do it in general. I for example am not a mapper I need all steps. But I don't have this missing ok button.
Some of it can seem so complex at times especially for anyone who never made a map before though but I want to also see maps from users who never made a map. If Turok motivated you to try that's awesome!  I really want to see some maps all. Smaller maps larger maps I don't care. Maps with the Turok essence, atmoshpere, and feel of Turok Dinosaur Hunter. I mostly like a made from scratch using the original games assets level and bang!

Yes make more videos! Thanks

I will probably just make a workflow video and go through steps can maybe learn as I build it heh or something next idk yet. I will though.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 05:48:55 PM by Duke64 »
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Offline Gazer

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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2017, 02:24:21 AM »
Here's a video of my Kex editor with no buttons (OK and Cancel buttons at the bottom) in the actor properties window. Sorry Dead Link I removed it. I think the description is clear though!

 You'll see that even though I was hitting enter after marking spawn flags, they would be dismissed because the buttons were not used.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 06:25:40 PM by Gazer »
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Offline Jay Doomed

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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2017, 12:12:13 PM »
Glad i didn't have that problem. It would of drove me mad lol! Good job getting solution.
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Offline Gazer

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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2017, 07:02:17 PM »
So here we are and my mapping is slooowing waaaay dooown, because I am working a lot in 'Sector Edit' mode.  Could you wonder why work is slow? I'm finding that what works in one map file, might not work the same in the next map file. I'm referring specifically to teleporting and actor>misc>warp points. And I'm also seeing that in the vanilla levels the map sectors have a lot of Arg1 -2 -3 -4 numbers that I cannot understand.

On Turok steam page (or page on steam) it says that the editor has 'Full Manual Available' has anybody found that?

Smoke39 and Duke64 you guys have been helping a lot I appreciate you work. And everyone else too. So I need more. I probably need a little break from this and things will clear up as my head is foggy like Turok sky. But I would like to know what you guys know about sector properties and teleporting. Setting up the checkpoints was simple enough and I recommend trying those for begginners (I am one). I have a teleport from one point to another inside the same map file. I have that working in the editor and then I have it working in a kpf file also. I see that is not a simple thing to take for granted. Because at the next save map the same teleport doesn't work. You see I understand my description is confusing, I am confused. I think the game is buggy, but I'm not sure since I'm trying to copy what I see in vanilla maps and no documentation to back me up.

So any general information about sector properties specifically Arg 1 - 6 definitions, or any documentation that might help with teleporting would be useful. For example, why do most sectors in vanilla levels have Arg 6 value of 1024? Arg 1 is where I'm putting my misc>warp point TID with the map level00 number in Arg 2. etcetera -etcetera -ect - what manual? Arg 3 = 10150 pwn me!

Thanks Guys - Gazer
No Ciggi

Offline Smoke39

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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2017, 07:57:23 PM »
The manual's in the game's root directory.  Turok_Editor_Guide.pdf

I think someone was having the same problem on the Steam forums, and it was because one of the arguments is a map ID from defs/mapInfo.txt.  So, you can name your map to match one of the existing maps, or modify mapInfo.txt.

The problem is, even if you get that sorted, if you launch your map from the editor, the temporary map file won't have the right file name.  So you can either point mapInfo.txt at "" or whatever the editor names it while you're working on it, then change mapInfo.txt back when you release your map, or you can save your map properly, start the game normally, and manually load your map with its proper name.

Offline Gazer

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Re: Turok Dinosaur Hunter Mapping Guides
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2017, 09:24:35 PM »
Hi Smoke39, so is this correct; the teleport system depends on the mapid_0x info in the mapInfo.txt file to work. And the editor uses the same file when testing a map in the editor dev mode?   

That's something I can try to get it working. I've read the pdf guide and it does not explain what the Arguments are for, besides the few specific events in the guide that reference them. They obviously hold information not mentioned in the guide. Would you know anything about those functions? I have to leave for a while.

Thank You much - Gazer

EDIT: So by editing the mapInfo.txt and creating a unique mapid_101 as noted in the pdf guide and directed by Smoke39, my teleport works properly. I see that the editor recognizes the folders and files in root directory above priority when in dev mode as it does with the texture folder and this is a direct access to override the default conditions of the original Turok game.kpf. I was building test.kpf files over and over each time trying to get the teleporter to work. I must have recycled 50 of them. Thanks Smoke39 for that info.

Do you have an idea what the 'Arg 6 - 1024' on sector properties is a reference to? I'd like to publish a map soon and I'm trying to figure out the finer points.
Thank You Smoke you are Turok.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 01:21:44 AM by Gazer »
No Ciggi


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