Author Topic: Turok 3 Mouse Input and other goodies  (Read 48086 times)

Offline Nutshot

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Re: Turok 3 Mouse Input and other goodies
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2021, 03:44:56 PM »
Drahsid, i have a question.
I recently finally tried both "Rage Wars" and "Turok 3" out, configured it all to really making a playtrough this time.

Well, i noticed both of these have the exact same issue as the User "Kil3r". He once made a post:
The camera is always jiggling. Its almost as if the camera is fighting back against the mouse or perhaps its not super smooth.

For a solution you said:
"It is possibly related to the QT launcher, or perhaps you have the joystick set to the mouse in Mupens config (DONT DO THIS, the mouse input is not linked to the joystick)".

To which he replied:
"Thanks! Your second point was the reason behind the issue. For anyone having the same issue, make sure "mouse = False" in mupen's cfg."

Well, i already have that set in my Mupen Config and it´s still happening. I guess it has maybe something to do with the Mupen Controls?
In case you have an idea i will post my Control Configs here:
Code: [Select]

# Mupen64Plus SDL Input Plugin config parameter version number.  Please don't change this version number.
version = 2.000000
# Controller configuration mode: 0=Fully Manual, 1=Auto with named SDL Device, 2=Fully automatic
mode = 0
# Specifies which joystick is bound to this controller: -1=No joystick, 0 or more= SDL Joystick number
device = -1
# SDL joystick name (or Keyboard)
name = ""
# Specifies whether this controller is 'plugged in' to the simulated N64
plugged = True
# Specifies which type of expansion pak is in the controller: 1=None, 2=Mem pak, 4=Transfer pak, 5=Rumble pak
plugin = 2
# If True, then mouse buttons may be used with this controller
mouse = False
# Scaling factor for mouse movements.  For X, Y axes.
MouseSensitivity = "2.00,2.00"
# The minimum absolute value of the SDL analog joystick axis to move the N64 controller axis value from 0.  For X, Y axes.
AnalogDeadzone = "4096,4096"
# An absolute value of the SDL joystick axis >= AnalogPeak will saturate the N64 controller axis value (at 80).  For X, Y axes. For each axis, this must be greater than the corresponding AnalogDeadzone value
AnalogPeak = "32768,32768"
# Digital button configuration mappings
DPad U = "key(119)"
DPad D = "key(115)"
DPad L = "key(97)"
DPad R = "key(100)"
Start = "key(27)"
Z Trig = "mouse(1)"
B Button = "key(113) mouse(3)"
A Button = "key(101)"
C Button U = "key(119)"
C Button D = "key(115)"
C Button L = "key(97)"
C Button R = "key(100)"
R Trig = "key(32)"
L Trig = ""
Mempak switch = ""
Rumblepak switch = ""
# Analog axis configuration mappings
X Axis = "axis(0-,0+)"
Y Axis = "axis(1-,1+)"

Edit: I´m also using your fixed input plugin from the first page (i guess it doesn´t matter if you use the one from RW or T3), as with the default one Mupen64Plus always crashed.
Also speaking of Mupen64Plus, i´m using no Frontend or anything. Also using Interpreter Mode.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2021, 04:02:13 PM by Nutshot »

Offline FX

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Re: Turok 3 Mouse Input and other goodies
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2021, 06:50:27 AM »
I know this is a pretty dead thread, but I am curious if this will work on Turok Rage Wars?

Just read through the rest of the forum, apologies.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2021, 07:05:26 AM by FX »
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