Turok General > Turok Comics Discussion

Joshua Fireseed and Nancy Carter


Hi, I'm new to the forums and wanted to ask a little question.

Got hold on Valiant/Acclaim Entertainment Turok comics and really liked them. Anyway, there is this little side-story thing that has for some reason got hold of my attention.

So, Acclaims Turok 4 comic ends with a character called Nancy Carter who assumes that she is pregnant for Joshua. She is again mentioned on "Adon's Curse". I assume she is seen for the last time in "Turok & Shadowman" cross-over in single panel saying that she is not interested in contacting Joshua anymore.

So, are there any more appearances of her that I have missed and does anyone have any idea what became or was meant to became of this drama?

Nothing really came out of that, the comics got axed.


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