General User Mods, Maps, and Content


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[1] Rafffine52's Remastered/Other Mods

[2] Unreal Weapons: Raffine52 Edition (Doom Mod, V1.6)

[3] Perfect Dark Weapons in Doom RELOADED by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] (UPDATED V1.3)

[4] TimeSplitters Guns in Doom (V1.1)

[5] Turok Evolution Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] WIP

[6] Turok Rage Wars Guns in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V2.7 UPDATE!

[7] Goldeneye Weapons in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] 1.5 UPDATED

[8] [Release] Quake 1 Map - Telegraves

[9] Half Life - Opposing Force and Blue Shift real guns


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