Back with more weapon updates, almost done with them as only the Fusion Cannon is left and that one is gonna be a significant overhaul.-10/06/2024-Readjusted the weapon order and slot placements-The Wood Bow and Tek Bow have been condensed into the Tek Bow. The TB has new mesh and animations and can now use both arrow types. The Wood Bow will eventually return as a Tal' Set exclusive weapon.-Maps have been slightly updated to accommidate the Tek Bow changes-Alien Weapon: Updated mesh and animations. Now has a secondary ice shot (inspired by Raffine52's LotF Standalone Weapons/Enemies mod) unlocked via upgrade item. If the Iceshot hits a watervolume, it'll create a temporary ice platfom near the water surface.-Grenade Launcher- New hand mesh-PMF Layer: Fusion Mine has been replaced with Spider Mine as the secondary ammo, and is togglable thru altfire. The Fusion Mine still exists as an unused ammotype and as a level hazard.