V1.1 has been released!
Base Mod:
More Ammo Count Changes.
The Alt Fire Box, Which was unused for a long time since Turok Rage Wars Weapons in Doom, Finally sees the light of day. It is now called the "Assault Shotgun, Colt Pistol and Rocket Launcher Alt Fire Kit", And unlocks the Alt Fires of these weapons. These Alt Fires are taken from the Edited Version. Some Alt Fires that are not powerful than the Main Firing modes are already usable even before getting this item.
Fixed the Thrown Bricks not playing any sound when you pick them up for real this time.
The Respawn and Key Needed Sounds are now imported.
SMG Ammo can now spawn in Shell Spawners.
Guest Addon:
Added Joshua Fireseed, Adon, Juggernaut, Fireborn, Blind One Guardian and Oblivion Spawn for the Turok Side.
Added the RW Mag 60, Both the SP and MP Versions.