Author Topic: Turok 1 Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V2.4 UPDATED  (Read 231196 times)

Offline FireSeraphim

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Re: Turok 1 Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V1.8 UPDATED
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2019, 10:05:47 PM »
@Raffine52: Care to show some common courtesy, Raffine52? Because the fifth to ninth screenshots of your opening post on this very thread + the period between 0:25 and 2:48 of your Danielle trailer for your Turok 3 Weapons mod takes place in my in-hiatus "T-Style - Demons in the Mist" mod. Now I don't mind you using my levels to showcase your weapons mod but would it kill you to post a link to the ZDoom Forum thread for T-Style or even acknowledge that you used my mod to showcase your mod? I mean I cannot help to fear that you might try something as disingenuous as passing off my level design work in T-Style as your own when you fail to even link or acknowledge that you used my mod to showcase your mod. All I'm asking is that you demonstrate some integrity and link my work.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 10:08:27 PM by FireSeraphim »

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Re: Turok 1 Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V1.9
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2020, 02:44:28 AM »
Finally, It's back. The V1.9 Overhaul is finally released. After being left in the dust for a really long time while other Turok Weapon Port Projects (Like Turok 2, Rage Wars and 3) get updates week by week while Turok 1 is left on the wayside, It's back with an overhaul update of it's own, and not a shitty one. Make demons extinct. Once Again!

Sadly, due to lack of ideas for the Trailer, I have to delay it until I get enough ideas for it. Anyways, Here are the changes:

The Biggest change of them all is that almost all sprites (mostly the weapons) has been redone, to get rid of the odd lighting and other problems. This allows more weapon animation frames and some weapon details to be seen in this version, Like the Drum cycling to the next shell on the Auto Shotgun, Flashes for some of the weapons that didn't have originally, Spinning barrels on the Minigun, and much more, which the last Versions didn't have.
A few new Playable Characters are added, Like the Alien Infantry, Pur-Lin, Campaigner and Longhunter. If you don't wanna play as the Dinosaur Hunter himself, These Characters are for you. Oh, yeah, and I added in a bonus character you might already know from my Rage Wars Weapon Mod, and you know who it is.
Corrected Chronoscepter's name from 'ChronoScepter' to 'Chronoscepter'. It also now has the correct put away animation, Instead of playing the pulling out animation backwards.
The Knife has some little changes: When Berserk is picked up, It no longer has the old Double Swing Animation as it's only animation as it did in the old versions, and it attacks a little bit faster.
Auto Shotgun's Shells now fly out of the Drum instead of the front of the gun's barrel.
Minigun now has the Faster fire rate and now only uses one ammo per shot. Also, when you pull it out, Sometimes you will hear what reminds you of...
Alien Rifle now has a Idle Animation, And while the shots before they go boom does less damage, the explosion itself now deals more damage.
Quad Missile Launcher's Rockets now make smoke once they are fired.
The Particle Accelerator has been disabled as I am unable to get a cleaner recording of the weapon at the time, And because the weapon still fires just like the Alien Rifle even with the buffs it had. However, The weapon will be added back at some point.
Fusion Cannon has a longer idle animation, and the time it takes before it fires is made longer. To make up for it, It now does more damage.
Changed A_Playsound (From 'Weapon') to A_PlayWeaponSound on all of the weapons. I will try to see if it goes.
Added in the T1 Styled Items, Replacing the Doom ones.
Chainsaw Spots no longer spawn Mortal Wounds, Instead they spawn Tek Bows.
Added in the missing land voice sound when playing as Tal-Set.
Added in Alt Look Ammo Pickups for the Box of both Normal and Explosion Shells.
New Title, Credit, Win and Lose Screens, Replacing the old ones.
When in Deathmatch, When getting to the Results Screen after a match, The Underwater theme will now play, Instead of the HUB Theme as it was in the old versions.
Cell Spawner Spots now only spawn Small Cell Pickups.
The Taunt System has been removed.
Replaced the big ammo HUD Icons with the Smaller ones from the Edited Version.
Fixed the Small Cell and Large Cell Pickups using the wrong sprites.
While playing, You can press F1 to bring up the Manual from the N64 Version. You can read about the stuff, weapons, and even a comic in it!
Turok 1 Style Cheats are imported.


I also updated my N64 Sounds Addon with a few changes:

The Title Screen is now N64 Style.
The Music is now the N64 Version of the HUB Theme.


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Re: Turok 1 Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V1.9 UPDATED
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2020, 06:46:20 AM »
And the Edited Build Version is done as well.

So.. yeah the thread is still alive, he's just been working on weapon mods and stuff.

Though the Alpha Guns Add-On will be coming soon.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 06:48:22 AM by thebestmlTBM »

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Re: Turok 1 Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V1.9 UPDATED
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2020, 07:45:32 AM »
What means "edited"?

Offline thebestmlTBM

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Re: Turok 1 Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V1.9 UPDATED
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2020, 03:00:17 AM »
What means "edited"?
It means made more like the actual game in comparison.
Also added in the compatibility for other mods like Brutal Doom and Beautiful Doom.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 03:00:46 AM by thebestmlTBM »

Offline Raffine52

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Re: Turok 1 Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V2.0
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2020, 03:56:33 AM »
Version V2.0 has been released. How you are all enjoying the Overhaul? Good? Yeah, Because here comes a new Version release that fixes some issues and adds in more things on top of that. Originally V1.9.1, This was turned into the next version release as it is little more than just being a hotfix release.

Fixed the Ultra Health Pickups unable to be picked up.
Buffed the Tek Arrows. I also brought over the Extra 5 Damage when the Bow is fully pulled thing from my T3 Weapons in Doom Mod.
Buffed the Explosion Shells a little bit.
Added in the missing sound effect when picking up some weapons/items.
Renamed TF2Heavy to TK1Heavy so it can play nice with AEOD.
Fixed the Alien Infantry having Tal-Set's Voice.
A New Warrior Has Entered the Ring: And it's Eriko from Persona 1!
The Longhunter is removed in this version, but at least there's a Addon that adds him back to the roster.
Shortened the help screens.
Changed up the weapon order around.
Pulse Rifles can now spawn in the Chaingun spots.

I also finished the Auto-Taunts and Music Pack Addons as well. The Former adds in the Taunts for both Camp, Heavy and Tal-Set (No Eriko for now), while the Latter plays tracks from Turok 1 in the levels (Includes N64/PC/GB Versions)

Sadly, No new update for the Removed and Leftover Stuff (AKA Alpha Guns) Addon yet, But it will come soon, hopefully.

Download (Edited):

Auto Taunts:
Music Pack:
Restore Longhunter:

EDIT: Have to update the Main Version to include the Pulse Rifle spawning in Chaingun spot thing. Just a very small hotfix, I guess.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 04:08:14 AM by Raffine52 »

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Offline Raffine52

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Re: Turok 1 Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V2.0 UPDATED
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2020, 03:48:01 PM »
The Alpha Weapon Addon has been updated: Now all of the weapons are there, But however because I want to get it out ASAP, I decided to make nearly all of the weapons use the same Ammo types as they did in the E3 1996 Beta.

Enjoy, I guess.


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« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 03:17:36 AM by thebestmlTBM »

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Re: Turok 1 Guns In Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] V2.0 UPDATED
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2020, 04:42:57 PM »
Thanks so much! Neat how Turok was turning out back then, they seemed to have very few changes in-between the beta to the release, besides aesthetic differences and that purlin attack.


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