Author Topic: Turok 3 Guns in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] (UPDATED V2.7)  (Read 180930 times)

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Re: Turok 3 Guns in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] (UPDATED V2.3)
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2024, 07:58:15 AM »

by Raffine52
Current Version: 2.3

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Guns in Doom is a Doom Mod that he started on November 12, 2017, But No Work was done on it Until November 18, 2017 Is where he started Working on it. Free from a Game where you can beat it in 3 Hours and full of Bugs, The TK3 Guns comes to Doom, Where they can Enjoy Kicking Ass without the Glitches Ruining their Fun.

The Reason why he started it is because Turok 3: SOO Had the 2nd Best Choice of Weapons, Only Behind Turok 2: SOE, But he was upset when he couldn't find any Doom Mods that has Turok 3 Weapons Ported in, Because The Game Was so Short that he Beaten it in Three Hours While he was having fun with The RPG, Fireswarm and Others, And Because Turok 3's MP looked like crap in terms of graphics since the Weapons Keep their Low-Res Models even in Single Player Mode with Bots (Which had no excuse when even Turok: Rage Wars didn't do this And even with 2-4 Players Playing, The Weapons keep their High-Res Models but with Simple Animations and No Hands). So That's why he is planning to Fix that and Port over Almost all of Turok 3's Arsenal into Doom, Of course!

The Goal of this Mod is to Port over much Of Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion into Doom, Which Includes Weapons, Items and Health Packs. However, Just like Turok 2 MP Guns in Doom Mod that he is still working on, A few Weapons will not be like the Original in terms of it's Firing Modes. Unlike that Mod, There will be some Weapons that would not be added into the Mod, So The Razor Wind and PSG Will not be added. The Sniper Rifle will also use it's own Ammo due to how powerful it was in TK3 (Uses AR Ammo, and If you make your Shots count, You can destroy pretty much any Enemy in the Game), But However he will release a Addon that Changes it back to Use Rifle Ammo Again.

Joseph and Danielle's Gameplay from Turok 3 Will not be ported over, So Joshua Fireseed's Gameplay Will be used. So the Player Sounds will be like:

Also Unlike Turok 2 MP Guns to Doom Mod, he will Release The Mod With Half of the Weapons Missing, And In the Later Updates, The Missing Weapons will be Re-added back in. Here's the Think List.


(Including Zan Version)

Edited Build Version (Extra Hands Add-ons Included)
Doom Hands
Simpson Hands (For Ultimate Simpsons Doom)

=Add-ons Included=
Intro (GZDoom Exclusive)
MP Weapons
Music Pack
Pistol Start
HD Icons
HD Textures
HD Danielle Hands
HD Joseph Hands
HD Raptor Hands

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Re: Turok 3 Guns in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] (UPDATED V2.4)
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2024, 03:06:28 AM »
After about 6 Months of me dealing with the IRL Stuff and set-backs, V2.4 has been released! Same deal as T2 Weapons in Doom: Mostly balance changes, But adding in some new content. This also marks the debut of Danielle and Raptor to the mod, Which were not included back in V2.2's release.

Main Mod:

Added Animated Texture support for models that were made for them that lacked them originally, So they are no longer stuck in just one texture.


Added Raptor and Low-Res Versions of Danielle (Which is her only model that does not suffer from Heavy Texture Glitches) and Joseph. Credits goes to 'a cow that likes cookies' for the latter two models.
Joseph now has his Death and one of the hurt sounds brought over.


Bow: Full Pulled Arrows now do one more damage.
Tek Bow: Fixed the Almost Pulled/Pulled Tek Arrows having their impact damage swapped.
Shredder: Thanks to able to do Animated Textures now, The Weapon no longer has a placeholder texture on the screen.
Firestorm Cannon: This weapon saw a huge overhaul in this update: Thanks to Brainstorming, I decided to give it a Alt Fire Mode to pair with the main firing mode, which fires bullets pinpoint and does not need spin-up time, But It does less damage (Which is how it was like in the Original game). It's alt fire mode, however, Fires bullets very fast that does more damage than it's main fire mode and shreds enemies faster, But however It has a huge spread and needs spin-up time to balance out it's big killing power. This idea was based off of how Unreal/UT99 Minigun's Firing modes worked. And Thanks to my Blender Training via Tutorials on keyframes, The Barrels finally spin. Also, The main fire mode now fires two bullets per press instead of one. And lastly, Because the Texture Glitch on the Firestorm's Barrels would be very hard to fix within my skills, I decided to just replace it with a new texture while still fitting the original texture's theme.
Napalm Cannon: Fixed a bug where Time Bombs, After sticking to enemies, Would do the same damage as the Mine Bombs, Making it overpowered.
Cerebral Possessor: Fixed a bug where even after the target that was controlled by the bore dies, The Bore will deattach from it's dead target and fly around the map forever making that bore noise.
PSG: The Lights now animate on the weapon, Which means the fire rate is toned down until it's full recharged (Which is faster than the Original game to suit Doom's Gameplay style).
Raptor Claws: Thanks to the Raptor being added, The Raptor Claws was added. Originally, The Raptor Weapons System was going to be included alongside it, but the mess of trying to work it within T3 Weapons In Doom is pretty much tough, So It will be saved for a later update.

The Firing Flashes now come out of the Gun Barrels almost all the time.
Added the Rifle Fire Flash for the Assault Rifle, Firestorm Cannon, Shotgun, Fireswarm and Shredder, Replacing the Pistol Fire Flash for them.
The Bore Trail Colors for both the Normal and Burst Bores are now correct.

I also updated the Zan Version, Pistol Only (Made for Zan in mind) and the MP Weapons Addon, And I even made a Zan Version of the MP Weapons Addon (So a Addon of a Addon).

« Last Edit: June 09, 2024, 03:08:42 AM by Raffine52 »

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Re: Turok 3 Guns in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] (UPDATED V2.5)
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2024, 04:04:41 AM »
V2.5 has been released! AKA 'I can rip N64 Models without having to use a emulator from years ago' Edition. This update brings in some content that was cut from later builds of the Original game into the main mod, like the Spear Gun and Plasma Rifle. This was originally going to be a hot-fix update, But since it adds in a lot of new stuff, It is turned into something different. I also made SD Hand Addons to go along with the SD Textures, too.


Storm Bow: Buffed the damage of the Arrows from 15 to 18.
Assault Rifle: Fixed a hole that was there in the model.
Firestorm Cannon: Redid the barrel spinning animation on the model.

Added the Plasma Rifle and Spear Gun, Both Weapons that were cut from Turok 3. I brought both weapons back in the past as a addon for the Sprite Version, Although the latter uses the T2 Appearance and The former uses the appearance from Rage Wars in one of the screenshots. Here, Thanks to the May 8 Prototype, The Spear Gun now has it's own appearance, although the Plasma Rifle still reuses it's RW Appearance, and they are now part of the base mod, and in 3D Models to boot (Even if animations had to be redone, Although the animations are currently placeholders and will be refined later, And the Pickup Model/HUD Icon for the Spear Gun uses the Harpoon Gun as a placeholder).

Spear Gun: It works the same as the Harpoon Gun from Turok 2: Although It does a little bit more damage than it.
Plasma Rifle: The model now has T3 Hands instead of Joshua's, Although it's unchanged combat wise as the firing modes are the same as Rage Wars (It was only shown in preview screenshots and none of the builds leaked has it unless it is found left-over in the files). The Effects were also improved from it's appearance from Rage Wars.

Slot 8, Instead of housing the Razor Wind, now houses the Spear Gun and Plasma Rifle while the Razor Wind is moved to Slot 9 and PSG is now on Slot 0.
Changed up the weapon offsets on most of the weapons.


Ammo Box, All Arrow Pickups and Small Grenade Pickups now use their pick up sounds from the Early Turok 3 Betas.
The Crystal Keys now use a different sound effect upon being picked up.
Night Vision, Golden Arrow, All Map, Anti Radiation, and Unlimited Ammo now use their own pick up sound effects (With the first two being from the edited build while the rest use the Power up sound from the Early Turok 3 Betas), And if playing as Joseph, He will say 'Cool! Night Vision Goggles!' upon picking them up.
Toned down how many Napalm Bombs you get in the bigger ammo pickup to 5.
Fixed the Yellow/Red Crystal Keys using the wrong HUD Sprites.
Made a SD Texture for the Firestorm's Ammo Pickup (I forgot about it before in past versions, So it was in HD, even without the HD Textures Addon installed).
Made the Bullets on the Sniper Rifle's Pickup SD Texture be black and white instead of being colored.
With the Plasma Rifle now in, The Cell/Cell Pack Spawners no longer spawn Grenade Ammo (And Bore Ammo in the case for Cell Pack Spawners).


Brought over most of the sounds from the Edited Build.


Most Hand Addons: Updated them to support the Plasma Rifle's Hands.


EDIT: The Zan Version of V2.5 has been released! Pretty much, It includes all the added content and improvements from V2.5 into Zan.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2024, 03:43:10 AM by Raffine52 »

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Re: Turok 3 Guns in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] (UPDATED V2.6)
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2025, 08:12:45 PM »
V2.6 has been released! You know the drill: Balance changes for nearly every weapon, with some added content within.


Added Death Guard's Reaper and Maw Skins from Rage Wars.


Tomahawk: Now does two extra damage.
Knife: It now swings a little bit faster.
Spear: Now hits two times instead of one and swings faster as well.
Normal Arrows, Golden Arrow (Bow), Storm Arrows (Storm Bow) and Tek Arrows (Tek Bow) now fly like a arrow should. No more arrows that fly like a bullet!
Bow: Full Pulled Arrows now do a little bit more damage for real this time.
Tek Bow: Fixed the Non-Fully pulled Tek Arrows being fired instead of the Fully Pulled Tek Arrows if not pulled all the way through. Also, the Blast Zone/damage is buffed.
Toned down Pistol and Silenced Pistol's fire rates.
Boosted the fire rate of Shotgun to make it more in line with it's upgrades.
Fireswarm: Now uses three shells, like the Shredder does. Also fixed a bug where it can still be fired even with just one shell left.
Assault Rifle: Shell Cases now come out of the gun's side instead of it's heatshield, and Fixed the hole in the weapon First Person's Model.
Firestorm Cannon: Buffed the Main Fire mode's damage a little bit.
Grenade Launcher: Buffed the Blast Zone and damage as well.
RPG: Same as GL.
Cerebral Possessor: Hopefully Fixed that bug where even after the target that was controlled by the bore dies, The Bore will deattach from it's dead target and fly around the map forever making that bore noise for real this time.
PSG: It now needs to be found in all five parts to be usable, just like in the Original game.
Spear Gun: While the Spears are now affected by gravity if on land, Underwater Spears are not. This makes it so it's more useful underwater like it should. Also, Imported the Underwater code, since I have forgotten it before (Whoops). Also, the Spears after being fired now use the Retail Arrow Sound effect for pick up.
Added the Grapple Hook, After missing out a few versions ago. It works just like it does from Agent_Ash's Grappling Hook Mini-Mod, But as a weapon. It also has recharging ammo. Since it uses ZScript, This makes this weapon GZDoom only.

Idle Animations are now a little bit more likely to play.
The Shotguns and Rifles swapped Slots, to be more like the original game.


Added a Box of Tek Arrows Pickup that gives you 10 Tek Arrows.
Added Firestorm Ammo Belts, That gives you 150 Rounds for the Firestorm Cannon.
Updated the Storm Quiver and Tek Quiver's Textures (And included the HD Textures for the HD Textures Addon, which I have forgotten before).
Updated the Napalm Cannon and RPG Pickup textures to make the back of the box clearly tell what is it instead of saying 'Upgrade'.
The Golden Arrow no longer spawns in the Cell Pack spot, and instead spawns in the BFG9000 Spot, on top of Ammo Packs no longer giving a free Golden Arrow. To make up for this, you can now hold two Golden Arrows at a time when getting a Ammo Pack.
Made New Sprites for the Keycards when using Alt HUD (They were still using old sprites from back in the Sprite Era, So it does not refect how they look in-game)
A overhaul of the Spawners. I will list the highlights:

- Bores no longer spawn in the BFG9000 Spot, With both Bore and Bore Burst spawning in the RL Spot and Possessor spawning in the Plasma Rifle spot.
- Bore Ammo and PSG Ammo Pickups are less likely to spawn.
- PSG Pieces now spawn in the Cell Pack Spots. BFG10K Spots still give off the PSG though.

I also updated the hand addons to support the new weapon, As well as the music Pack to include tracks from the Remaster. Although, I am still working on the rest of the addons, Including one that has been in my backlog for some time. (Custom Weapons Addon).
« Last Edit: January 02, 2025, 08:23:08 PM by Raffine52 »

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Re: Turok 3 Guns in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] (UPDATED V2.6)
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2025, 10:45:22 AM »
Guns in Doom
by Raffine52
Current Version: 2.6

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Guns in Doom is a Doom Mod that he started on November 12, 2017, But No Work was done on it Until November 18, 2017 Is where he started Working on it. Free from a Game where you can beat it in 3 Hours and full of Bugs, The TK3 Guns comes to Doom, Where they can Enjoy Kicking Ass without the Glitches Ruining their Fun.

The Reason why he started it is because Turok 3: SOO Had the 2nd Best Choice of Weapons, Only Behind Turok 2: SOE, But he was upset when he couldn't find any Doom Mods that has Turok 3 Weapons Ported in, Because The Game Was so Short that he Beaten it in Three Hours While he was having fun with The RPG, Fireswarm and Others, And Because Turok 3's MP looked like crap in terms of graphics since the Weapons Keep their Low-Res Models even in Single Player Mode with Bots (Which had no excuse when even Turok: Rage Wars didn't do this And even with 2-4 Players Playing, The Weapons keep their High-Res Models but with Simple Animations and No Hands). So That's why he is planning to Fix that and Port over Almost all of Turok 3's Arsenal into Doom, Of course!

The Goal of this Mod is to Port over much Of Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion into Doom, Which Includes Weapons, Items and Health Packs. However, Just like Turok 2 MP Guns in Doom Mod that he is still working on, A few Weapons will not be like the Original in terms of it's Firing Modes. Unlike that Mod, There will be some Weapons that would not be added into the Mod, So The Razor Wind and PSG Will not be added. The Sniper Rifle will also use it's own Ammo due to how powerful it was in TK3 (Uses AR Ammo, and If you make your Shots count, You can destroy pretty much any Enemy in the Game), But However he will release a Addon that Changes it back to Use Rifle Ammo Again.

Joseph and Danielle's Gameplay from Turok 3 Will not be ported over, So Joshua Fireseed's Gameplay Will be used. So the Player Sounds will be like:

Also Unlike Turok 2 MP Guns to Doom Mod, he will Release The Mod With Half of the Weapons Missing, And In the Later Updates, The Missing Weapons will be Re-added back in. Here's the Think List.


(Including Zan Version)

Edited Build Version (Extra Hands Add-ons Included)
Doom Hands
Simpson Hands (For Ultimate Simpsons Doom)

=Add-ons Included=
Intro (GZDoom Exclusive)
MP Weapons
Music Pack
Pistol Start
HD Icons
HD Textures
HD Danielle Hands
HD Joseph Hands
HD Raptor Hands

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Re: Turok 3 Guns in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] (UPDATED V2.6)
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2025, 09:46:29 PM »
T3 Guns in Doom V2.6 Edited Patch Version is finished with the listings

-New Sounds Added
Cerebral Bore's New Firing Sound
Napalm Cannon's New Mode Change Sound
Napalm Ball Impact Sound
PSG Completed
Key Needed

-DamageTypes Added
Razor Wind - Saw (Brutal Doom)
Fireswarm - Fire
Shredder - Plasma (Brutal Doom)
Grenade Launcher - Explosive (Brutal Doom)
Napalm Cannon - Explosive (Brutal Doom)
RPG - Explosive (Brutal Doom)
PSG - PlasmaDisint (AeOD)

-Spawners Moved
Chainsaw - Tomahawk, Vampire Gun, Blade, Razor Wind, Energy Grapple
Pistol - Bow
Shotgun - Pistol, Silenced Pistol, Mag 60, Storm Bow, Shotgun, Speargun
Super Shotgun - Shotgun, Fireswarm, Shredder
Chaingun - Assault Rifle, Firestorm Cannon
Rocket Launcher - Tek Bow, Grenade Launcher, RPG, Napalm Cannon
Plasma Rifle - Sniper Rifle, Plasma Rifle
BFG 9000 - Cerebral Bore, Cerebral Burst, Cerebral Possesor, Golden Arrow

Removed the MP Variants of the Powerups
Moved the PSG Parts to the BlurSphere Spawn Placement

-Weapon Changed
Pistol and Silenced Pistol Firing Speed is slightly faster
Cerebral Burst now costs 5 Bore and Cerebral Possesor costs 10 Bores


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Re: Turok 3 Guns in Doom by Raffine52 [Doom Mod] (UPDATED V2.7)
« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2025, 12:25:14 PM »

Finally, After about two years since It first started development, The Custom Weapons Addon for T3 Weapons in Doom has finally been released! Turok 3's Weapon Roster was good, although a downgrade from Turok 2's. But what if the weapon roster was extended upon with new weapons and a real weapon upgrade system? Unlike the T2 Custom Weapon Addon, This one does not replace the Default Weapons, But rather extends upon them, while adding in some new toys to play with.

Since this is the first release, Some Weapons and Upgrades are missing, and some touch ups have yet to be imported, but what is there feels good enough for me to release it.

I also decided to release V2.7 early, With a huge hotfix update coming later. And the HD Textures Addon has also been updated to support the Custom Weapons Addon.


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