Guys I hope You like it
Acclaim Entertainment Marketing Assets best part is that in this zip file are huge size logos and cover art of original Turok DH from 1997 but there is one problem there are files called:
TUROK ART.1211.cmyk.C
TUROK ART.1211.cmyk.M
TUROK ART.1211.cmyk.Y
TUROK ART.1211.cmyk.K
files for print set, but how to join it in one to make one color file in perfect quality?
Also there is this file in color in png format but problem is compression is, steps on edges (turok face in zoom)
But I make this quick, join in 1 - 2 colors files, nice thing if some one need own big box: x 4217 size
Like You know in Poland big box cover art was more wide than other version