To expand on what I said on Discord with you. I think that to take the mantle of Turok, and to carry it fully, would require a lot of specific traits. I think someone who carries that burden must be courageous, self-sacrificing, sometimes even of their own morals or ethics if required. They must be intelligent, perhaps not in a purely academic sense, but able to strategize, understand new enemies, new technologies, weapons and items. As well as other traits such as resourceful. Of course, I can keep going on, but I am sure you get the point

Now I must admit, I never really had a chance to read the comics besides a few issues throughout the various eras, and I never got to read the novels. But I assume that people who hold the mantle of Turok are nearly the same as regular humans, besides the Light Burden and armor they carry. So I firmly believe that they must on some level, carry some of the best traits of humanity. Why else would Tal'Set be called "The Fury of Hope"? Because being a Turok is more than being a warrior, its being a guardian of Humanity, of The Lost Lands. It is important, but not enough, to be a strong warrior in combat.