Turok General Discussion / Fourth Annual Valiant pumpkin carving contest.
« on: September 30, 2016, 10:12:32 PM »Contest runs Oct 1-31
The idea of this contest is to advertise Valiant by carving a Valiant Entertainment themed pumpkin for your porch And giving away dollar issues or your extra un wanted Valiant comics to age appropriate kids.
Another big part of this contest is to share your #Valiantpumpkin on social media.
Like usual there will be two prizes for the contest.
One prize will be determined by a draw.
The other prize will be for the best pumpkin and will be choosen by the great pumpkin carving committee. (Passed winners)
I am very excited to announce
the second part to this year's fall contest.
It will be a number guessing game.
There are two ways to enter.
Every pumpkin you carve gets you one guess to pick a number between 1-100
The second way to enter the number guessing contest is to dress up like a Bloodshot USA nanite infected zombie. Must hash tag #Bloodshotusa and post picture on social media.
The closest person to guess the secret number wins a page of original published art work.
All Winners will be picked and posted on Valiant fans face book group and Valiantfans.com by Nov 3 The deadline to enter is midnight Oct 31 Pacific time. You can carve any kind of fruit watermelons, gords, pumpkins ie anything.
(brownie points for creativity)
Don't forget to Post all pictures around the net, social media facebook. Valiantfans.com will have a running tally of guessed numbers you can email me your entries turokjoe@yahoo.com and I will get your picture posted on fb, pintrist and instagram and post what number you pick. pumpkins must be photographed lit and unlit. Hash tag #Valiantpumpkin. Basically send it around the internet.
Time to start planning. Good luck to all of you.
To assist you to pertisapate we put together a how to carve a pumpkin.
Yesterday I did a how to carve a pumpkin Video.
This your going to want to see.