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Topics - turokJoe

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Turok General Discussion / Fourth Annual Valiant pumpkin carving contest.
« on: September 30, 2016, 10:12:32 PM »

Contest runs Oct 1-31
The idea of this contest is to advertise Valiant by carving a Valiant Entertainment themed pumpkin for your porch And giving away dollar issues or your extra un wanted Valiant comics to age appropriate kids.
Another big part of this contest is to share your #Valiantpumpkin on social media.
Like usual there will be two prizes for the contest.
One prize will be determined by a draw.
The other prize will be for the best pumpkin and will be choosen by the great pumpkin carving committee. (Passed winners)
I am very excited to announce
the second part to this year's fall contest.
It will be a number guessing game.
There are two ways to enter.
Every pumpkin you carve gets you one guess to pick a number between 1-100

The second way to enter the number guessing contest is to dress up like a Bloodshot USA nanite infected zombie. Must hash tag #Bloodshotusa and post picture on social media.
The closest person to guess the secret number wins a page of original published art work.

All Winners will be picked and posted on Valiant fans face book group and by Nov 3 The deadline to enter is midnight Oct 31 Pacific time. You can carve any kind of fruit watermelons, gords, pumpkins ie anything.
(brownie points for creativity)
Don't forget to Post all pictures around the net, social media facebook. will have a running tally of guessed numbers you can email me your entries and I will get your picture posted on fb, pintrist and instagram and post what number you pick.  pumpkins must be photographed lit and unlit. Hash tag #Valiantpumpkin. Basically send it around the internet.
Time to start planning. Good luck to all of you.
To assist you to pertisapate we put together a how to carve a pumpkin.
Yesterday I did a how to carve a pumpkin Video.
This your going to want to see.

Turok General Discussion / Do we have any pumpkin carvers here
« on: September 02, 2016, 02:58:05 PM »
I'm just curious if we have any people who carve pumpkins?

Turok General Discussion / Had to share this link
« on: June 23, 2016, 02:38:48 PM »

Turok General Discussion / Turok on YouTube link
« on: June 14, 2016, 02:22:26 AM »
[Link Removed]

What is your number one most iconic image of Turok? Pick one or two images from all Turok stuff ever put out and post here.
Panels, video game, old or new, original art, anything.
I'm not asking for funny screen shots.

This link is All of the valiant comics which includes Turok comics.
Here is the link for Turok dino hunter includes Acclaim probably.

Turok General Discussion / new Turok score 20 years in the works
« on: June 01, 2016, 05:42:23 PM »
O ya Look what I got. Just got it back from the comic shop from being sent in took 3 months and I'm happy with the grade.  Now I don't need to worry so much about it.

Turok Comics Discussion / Valiant Turok. Story of his knife
« on: May 30, 2016, 06:01:26 PM »
A long time ago I was reading my full run of Turok dino hunter by Valiant.  Only to notice that in each each issue he had the same knife. Some of the issue show him with a different one but most of the time there was consistency of his blade. This was first brought up on forum and I amazed a few people. Turok first land on now time on earth to hunt and poach dinosaurs. I'm not sure if it's the first or second arc but it's the one where he fights the big blond guy in the garage. He takes him out with a wrench but you clearly see this dudes knife. Every issue after Turok has that knife.
I have some place on one of my hard drives the whole story written better than I'm doing now. But ya Turok is a sentimental person who kept the knife from one of his first battles.

Turok General Discussion / Turok history before son of stone
« on: May 28, 2016, 09:54:37 PM »
Hey guys I'm new here and I'm so happy I found a specific group dedicated to Turok. I'm Woking on a project it's just started. I'm hopeing you guys can help or offer ideas or knowledge.
So I'm a long time fan of the comic and it's been a dream of mine to have issue one of Turok Son of stone. I've achieved my goal over a year ago. But with a bit of research I find out Turok actually started as young Hawk as a partial page per issue of lone ranger starting in issue 11 and running 134 issues. So that means to read all the exploits of Turok before son of stone you need to collect all thoes issues of the lone ranger. My goal hopefully with out having to buy 134 issues of the lone ranger. Is to compile a digital file with all of young hawks exploits.
With all this said did you know "probably do" Gaylord du bois may have written stories in the funnies durring 1920-1950 something. Just before lone ranger. My theory if correct if we look back in the funnies we can find the first Indian du bois wrote about the first rendition of his character that became young Hawk and later Turok in dell comics. 
I also read some place that the broken up stories in the lone ranger are actually Turok Son of stone story but with young hawks and little buck. We would have to read all of the lone rangers to find out.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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