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Topics - Gomess

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Turok Comics Discussion / "Mantid (a 30-foot robot praying mantis)"
« on: April 27, 2018, 08:58:59 AM »
This exact quotation gets 10 results on Google, including Wikipedia's article on the Turok franchise. But... is it legit?

I'll admit to having not read *all* of Unity, or the early 90s Tal'set comics, but I've read a fair few and seen not even a hint that this "Mantid" exists. Bionisaurs? Check. Pirates? Sure. Hitler? Why not. But can anyone give an issue reference for this 30-foot robot praying mantis??

I'm willing to be surprised here, but something about the phrasing of the whole paragraph I got this line from doesn't sit right with me.

Turok Rage Wars / 'Official' Rage Wars boss profiles?
« on: April 20, 2018, 08:12:24 AM »
I remember being fascinated by Bastille when I first played Rage Wars as a kid; the brief bio he got on the official site was just enough to get my imagination going.

Now, lo and behold he - along with all the Rage Wars bosses - apparently had a much more extended bio all along. ...Or at least, according to the Turok Wiki and GameFAQs. Here it is, in its entirety:

   Deposed Lord and General of a once mighty army, Bastille was sentenced to death when he and his honor guard attempted to assassinate the King.  His standing as a Lord revoked, Bastille was on the precipice of death when atemporal distortion in his home world pulled him through a fracture in the Netherscape and deposited him in the Lost Land. 
   Bastille found himself in a land ripe for the taking.  A world full of technological marvels and a host of "lesser" races that could be easily  controlled. 
   Bastille's shield-generating armor was worn by a great warlord whom he poisoned after winning his trust.  Although Bastille soon amassed a sizable following of warriors, he failed to attain recognition as anything more than a roving thug, commanding a host of rabble and thieves. 
   Determined to win back his honor, and be regaled as a true leader, Bastille has set his eyes on the "Light Burden."  With it, he could rule the Lost Land, and exact revenge on his former King.

My question is... where did this (and Syra etc's) come from? It's not his profile on the old official site, so the only possibility I can think of is the US manual had a LOT more content than the UK one I got. Either that, or this is a case of fanfic getting out of hand.

Any ideas?

Hiya folks, long-time fan of the Turok games only just discovering the comics, and loving them. It's a pleasant surprise to find that Joshua Fireseed was a full-on character all along!

But I've had no luck finding the Seeds of Evil prequel comic that was up on Acclaim's official Turok site back around '98~'99. It seems immune to Wayback, and the Turok Wiki's link for it goes to a thread full of dead images. Attached image is supposedly the 'cover'?

So, my question is: Is anyone able and willing to post the full comic, here or elsewhere? Copyright shouldn't be an issue, since it was never actually *printed*.

Hope someone can help, cheers!

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