Author Topic: Fireseed v0.9.2 - Model & Animation Editor  (Read 52723 times)

Offline BehemothProgrammer

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Fireseed v0.9.2 - Model & Animation Editor
« on: May 10, 2017, 06:53:22 PM »

Description: Fireseed is a Model and Animation Editor for Turok 2: Seeds of Evil.

Download Link: Fireseed v0.9.2 (TurokSanctum) | Fireseed v0.9.2 (mediafire)
This is outdated. Please use the new Blender Addon Turok 2 tools -

  • Select the files you want to edit from a folder by clicking on the change folder button located in the top left of the skinned mesh/animation/static mesh windows. Once you open a file a list of it’s contents are displayed in a Tree on the left side of the window. You can click on certain items in the tree to display their properties that will show in the right side of the window. Most of the data is mesh related and you shouldn’t change. The things you most likely want to do are change Hot Points for skinned meshes (You can add/remove them by right clicking them in the Tree view) and Key Frame Actions for Animations. (You can add/remove them by right clicking them in the Tree view)
  • Right click on any number field to bring up a list of "What is this?" options. This will for example tell you what sound 1364 is with a description.

Version 0.9.2
  • Fixed Animation Block sorting. Animation blocks with animIDs below 0 will now be put at the end of the array instead of the beginning

Version 0.9.1
  • You can now Add/Remove/Copy/Paste Animation Blocks
  • You can now change the size of an Animation Blocks Frames/Translations/Rotations

Version 0.9
  • Skinned Meshes now animate with there animation and have a track at the bottom of the window that allows you to control it
  • You can now export static meshes to obj
  • Included with Fireseed is the databases in .txt files found in the "databases" folder
  • Skinned Mesh and Animation tabs combined into 1 tab
  • Skinned Mesh, Animation, and Static Mesh have a folder view where you can more easily view files
  • Skinned Meshes now display correctly
  • Clicking on a surface item will highlight that surface
  • Clicking on hot points will show there position relative to there Bone ID
  • Skinned Mesh and Animation Bones now display there symbols (name) next to the Bone ID
  • You can now multi select items in skinned mesh and animation
  • Animation Key Frame Action Event Type now also displays it's index value
  • You can see the key frame point as a vertex now
  • There's now a helper button for Key Frame Actions To set position to a bones position
  • For Key Frame Actions with a Radius - A wire Frame Sphere is now displayed
  • Selecting vertices in static meshes will display that vertex
  • Added options to hide unimportant animation data and to auto play animations
  • Fixed some text for the databases
  • Changing vertices now updates the mesh
  • New import options to rotate the pitch by 90 and scale the object right away

Version 0.8
  • Load, Save, Edit Static Meshes
  • Import models into Skinned and Static Meshes using Assimp library that supports a lot of file formats
  • Database lookup tables for all Turok 2 objects
  • View Skinned and Static Meshes in an OpenGL window
  • Update notifications
  • Added Tutorial and Community sections
  • Console window to show errors/warnings/info

Version 0.5
  • Load, Save, Edit Skinned mesh files
  • Load, Save, Edit Animation files
  • Undo/Redo framework
  • multi-platform support

  • Import Skinned Mesh/Animation
  • Export Skinned Mesh/Animation
  • Video tutorials on how to use Fireseed
« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 08:02:38 PM by BehemothProgrammer »
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Re: Fireseed - Model & Animation Editor
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2017, 01:10:59 AM »
That's friggen cool dude. People'll be creating some nice things with this. +1

Offline Rok

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Re: Fireseed - Model & Animation Editor
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2017, 10:02:30 AM »
Wow!! How!? Now! Idk what to say. Thanks for your work Behemoth. And hey really cool name for it.

This could be pinned what you guys think?
« Last Edit: May 11, 2017, 10:18:28 AM by Rok »
Raptor Rok is metal.

Offline Jay Doomed

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Re: Fireseed - Model & Animation Editor
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2017, 12:27:09 PM »
Is this a windows program we won't need unity or things like that? I agree with Rok its a really cool name. Great work!
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Offline DoomMarine23

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Re: Fireseed - Model & Animation Editor
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2017, 06:49:32 PM »
Just wanted to vouch my support for this. While someday the SDK may have comparable features to your tools, I think what you're doing is not only very awesome, but very important; it will be a huge shot in the arm for modding. Great work my man, best of luck.

Offline Duke64

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Re: Fireseed - Model & Animation Editor
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2017, 01:02:43 AM »
Wow!! How!? Now! Idk what to say. Thanks for your work Behemoth. And hey really cool name for it.

This could be pinned what you guys think?


Thanks for your hard work BP i'm going to go ahead and agree with the name is awesome and pin this. Keep it up!
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"Suck it down"
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Offline BehemothProgrammer

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Re: Fireseed - Model & Animation Editor
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2017, 05:40:28 PM »
Is this a windows program we won't need unity or things like that? I agree with Rok its a really cool name. Great work!
Yeah it's just a windows program.

Just wanted to vouch my support for this. While someday the SDK may have comparable features to your tools, I think what you're doing is not only very awesome, but very important; it will be a huge shot in the arm for modding. Great work my man, best of luck.
Thanks! Yeah I hope once I'm done with this more people will want to start making mods for Turok.

The first version, v0.5, is available to download now. Right now you can only load, save, and edit values for Skinned Meshs and Animations. You can't import models yet - that's what I'm working on next. Because I'm still working on it, it's possible things might not work perfectly - so backup the animations/skinned meshs before loading/saving even though you probably don't need to, but...just in case.

Program Help:
Once you open a file a list of it's contents are displayed in a Tree on the left side of the window. You can click on certain items in the tree to display their properties that will show in the right side of the window. Most of the data is mesh related and you shouldn't change. The things you most likely do want to change are Hot Points for skinned meshs (You can add/remove them by right clicking them in the Tree view) and Key Frame Actions for Animations (You can add/remove them by right clicking them in the Tree view)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 05:50:49 PM by BehemothProgrammer »
Turok 2 Co-Op Mod

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Offline Mon-Ark

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Re: Fireseed v0.5 - Model & Animation Editor
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2017, 06:53:11 PM »
So basically the main funciton of this is opening and compilling in wathever format turok2 model files are, right?

Offline BehemothProgrammer

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Re: Fireseed v0.5 - Model & Animation Editor
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2017, 07:16:47 PM »
Yup. it's the middleman from a modelling program to Turok 2 and back.
Blender-->Fireseed-->Turok 2
Blender<--Fireseed<--Turok 2
Turok 2 Co-Op Mod

QTurok | Turok: Mountain of the Sun | WolfenTurok 3D | and more...

Offline DoomMarine23

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Re: Fireseed v0.5 - Model & Animation Editor
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2017, 09:05:38 PM »
Aight, I might have missed something but upon starting the program I'm hit with this error. I'm running Windows 10 64bit. Is there any kind of dependencies Fireseed requires?


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