Author Topic: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)  (Read 38764 times)

Offline chirac31

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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2017, 02:04:37 PM »
where are the text to speechs taunts???
where are others characters?

Offline Old One Eye

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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2017, 05:23:23 PM »
I'd also like to know if they plan on porting Rage Wars and Shadow of Oblivion to PC.   That would be super cool.

Another thing I'd like to know is if they plan any more official content for T1 and T2.  Map packs and that kind of thing.
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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2017, 05:31:49 PM »
It would be cool if Nightdive released any sort of dlc or expansion to the remaster, although that's likely not going to happen.
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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2017, 12:04:50 AM »
Hey buddy nice idea. I have no questions of course but i just wanted to say its a cool idea. Thanks for letting others contribute somehow. Hope things are going good over there.
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Offline vis

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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2017, 05:49:24 AM »
Yes, this is best console ver of Turok 2, aka Rage Wars 2 and it's good game on own (my fav turok game is Rage Wars, btw). But we supported ND in hope that classic MP from pc, will reborn and get new life, try remaster proccess, to... And it still not happen, obvious, but we will wait and if no official ways, we will use remaster for base and mod it to look like 80-90 % max of old godly fun and competitive, oriented game play! To do that mod project, we will need help of many veterans and help of ND to (any1 else is welcome of course). Is about remix this game, toying with numbers/kex code to get: tall characters, real, fast, strafe and weapon dmg, firing speed changes. I'm so sad, cuz n64 got love and pc version got kick in you know where. I think there should be console and pc presents, in game menu. So you host and play how it suits you. So, point of this all is that T2 mp remaster will have limited life cycle, people will enjoy and go on other game, simple like that! To prevent that we need competitive part of old classic pc mp, where people earned frags, where you could get joy and adrenaline in frag, clans was made and people stayed for years. Yes, in old Turok 2 Mp, people stayed in for 15 years+, playing same maps! I myself, played it just during last 5 years, from 2012 y. I'm very happy and sad in same time, when i look on remaster (please free me that feeling...). Remaster is good game and all ingredients for fun are there, just not in shape that will be even, more enjoyable and adrenaline rewording. I not have anything to ask, ty. Just wished to share my observation, with you.
(GoT) vis *RS*

Offline kubpica

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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2017, 11:49:20 AM »
Chirac asked me to post here what I think about remaster. Well.. It all wouldn't be needed if you added to beta testers us - instense T2 PC Multiplayer fans who play this game for years. We asked you for this but u gave beta pass only for people who have played it long time ago on n64. Well played - I feel spat. Maybe my words are too strong - but thats what I feel - sorry :(
I will consider playing this version only if Plasma Riffle is one-shot killer (no matter what part of body it hits). You should add 2 types of weapons (n64 & PC) - eg. plasma from PC multi: one-shot killer with delay and no-auto shooting. And 2nd - n64 plasma: 2shot-killer with auto-shooting feature (Plasma works like this also in PC singleplayer. They changed some weapons specifically for multiplayer. And we asked you to include both - singleplayer and multiplayer weapons at least in level editor, so we could make our own specific gameplay oriented maps). We also asked multiplayer settings to be fully setable, so everyone can make his dream settings.
IMO Graphics looks awful. So I have no idea if I could be able to enjoy this even if gameplay was fine.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 12:39:34 PM by kubpica »

Offline chirac31

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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2017, 12:56:44 PM »
totally agree with your analyse kub, then i ve made to an evaluation , im so disapointed by the multiplayer mod.... weird to see disconnexions problems  nowdays....

Offline chirac31

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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2017, 03:00:54 PM »
You are crazy,
please respect people here.
many things are fucked in this remaster multiplayer, and i understand you arent agree with us but we play the pc version since many years and its so different  here, its like if the devs havent any time to finish the multiplayer mod, or if they try to reinvented the multiplayer with a mix with the N64.
1- plasma damage are fucked
2- the shooter can't have any damages now even if he shoot his foot with grenade laucncher , missile laucher, nuclear weapon... totaly weird and why can't he die or suicide? no it isnt possible now
3- less characters than the pc version, wtf???
4- less personnalisable options for the server host and for the player, wtf????
.... you know the rest of the list  ive already post here.

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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2017, 03:12:54 PM »
Hello im a little late to the party, but chirac, vis and mixa are saying the things the old players think. We all want a super fast, hard to master and "complicated" gameplay. More dynamic more hardcore.
Basically a vanilla mod for the new one and we would be happy. The most things are already stated by my mates but i wanna say:

-old physics, old movements
-we had "movement bugs". we dont need em all but it should be comparable.

I made a lil movement video. Here:

There you can see the old dynamic (read the descr pls)

That were my two cents, i hope you can do it, you would make a lot o people happy.

Cu on City4

Offline Gazer

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Re: Night Dive Q & A (have your say)
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2017, 03:24:13 PM »
I would like everybody to grab hold of their private parts for a minute and hold on. Aren't we getting a little out of order?

Just like with the original game from 2002, this game will be added to and improved and smoothed out and made better. And Nightdive has given us the keys, to unlock the gameplay that we want. It is here now! But everything takes time. We have a new game, I am fukkin' happy about that.

gg -gl -hf -Gazer
No Ciggi


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